Prior Firmware - TCB

TCB Prior Firmware

These are for testing only, most users will want to use the latest release which can be downloaded on the Firmware tab of OP Config.

To flash a prior release, right-click one of the files below then select "Save Link As" to save to your computer. On the firmware tab in OP Config, click the "Use your own Hex" button and select the file you just downloaded.

To view release notes for all versions: CLICK HERE

Notes on the DIY firmware
The DIY firmware is for those trying to make a TCB using an off-the-shelf Arduino Mega board. All the functionality is the same except two outputs have been relocated to different pins in order to make it easier for those assembling such devices:
- Machine Gun LED - will now be on Arduino Pin 20 (also labeled SDA on the Mega board)
- Airsoft/Mechanical Recoil Switch - will now be on Arduino Pin 21 (also labeled SCL on the Mega board)

For anybody trying to build a DIY TCB please read this thread!