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Offline Wibbly

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Re: Testing TCB Firmware with Stock Arduino Mega
« Reply #120 on: December 09, 2019, 01:42:13 PM »
Ok, I tried the following settings, and I'm still missing the cannon or machine gun sounds.

Cannon is sound 2
Machine Gun is sound 1

I have disconnected Prop 3, this has had the desired effect of removing the engine start up on the left stick. I am assuming it isn't required for the above sounds.
OP Functions.png
TCB Firmware with Stock Arduino Mega OP Functions.png
Views: 14525
OP Sound Settings.png
TCB Firmware with Stock Arduino Mega OP Sound Settings.png
Views: 10680
TBS Parameter.png
TCB Firmware with Stock Arduino Mega TBS Parameter.png
Views: 9623
TBS Sounds.png
TCB Firmware with Stock Arduino Mega TBS Sounds.png
Views: 8339
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Offline LukeZ

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Re: Testing TCB Firmware with Stock Arduino Mega
« Reply #121 on: December 09, 2019, 02:12:44 PM »
You don't need the "User Sound 2 - Play Once" function in OP Config, you only need the Cannon Fire function.

The User Sounds are extra sounds that will only work with the Benedini Mini. The sound numbers in OP Config and in TBS Flash are not related to each other. You can read more about user sounds on the Wiki page for the Benedini Mini (not the Micro), but anyway you are using the Micro so it doesn't matter at this point.

Anyway the fix is easy. In OP Config, on the Sounds tab, you need to change the sound card selection to the Benedini Micro, right now you have the Benedini Mini selected. Once you make this change OP Config should automatically remove the "User Sound 2 - Play Once" function from the functions list, because it is not supported for the Micro. But regardless go back to the Functions tab and make sure it is gone, but also make sure the cannon fire function is still defined as you have it now.

Probably that is all it will take. It looks to me like you have TBS Flash setup correctly.
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Offline Wibbly

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Re: Testing TCB Firmware with Stock Arduino Mega
« Reply #122 on: December 09, 2019, 04:26:16 PM »
Just to clarify, I have the DasMikro Mini, hence Mini is selected in both the TBS and TCB.

I tried deleting the User sound from the functions list, and even tried changing the sound card to micro, I also unchecked the turret rotation, barrel elevation, and lights boxes.

I tried resetting the min/max stick positions for the radio in case the up stick wasn't registering, but unfortunately, the cannon sound still eludes me.  :-\

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Re: Testing TCB Firmware with Stock Arduino Mega
« Reply #123 on: December 09, 2019, 05:35:32 PM »
Ok my apologies, I had gotten it into my head you were using the Micro clone. I forgot that only recently they have cloned the Mini, but it is not helped by the fact they call themselves DasMikro!

Ok, so you do need to select Benedini - Mini as the sound device on the Sound tab of OP Config. Then you need to refer to the Mini Wiki page. Note that we have to put sounds in a different location on the Parameter tab of TBS Flash when using the Mini (also you may have to use a new version of TBS Flash depending). Note that now your cannon fire sound (your Sound #2 in TBS Flash) will need to be assigned to slot 3 of the first coder column.

Please also read the entirety of that Wiki page to make sure the rest of your Mini settings are specified correctly for compatibility with the Open Panzer device.

That should finally correct your problem, but let me know!
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Offline Wibbly

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Re: Testing TCB Firmware with Stock Arduino Mega
« Reply #124 on: December 10, 2019, 02:59:03 AM »
I have a feeling that as my TBS Flash is v1.0.1.4 that this may be causing a conflict between the TBS and the TCB. The DasMikro is v2.08.

I am not too sure how the diagnostic screen works, if I click on Read all of the fields go blank, if I try and edit the existing values then it won't let me.

If I start the tank with the USB attached, select Sound 2 (cannon) and click on Execute, it plays the cannon sound, so the TBS knows it is there. I am wondering whether the TBS needs the correct values in Prop settings so that it knows when to play the sounds when it gets a signal from the TCB. The engine sounds work ok, so it must just be Prop 2 that isn't seeing what it should.

If all else fails I have a friend who has the latest TBS Flash, so I may pay him a long overdue visit, hook the tank up to his pc and see if this makes a difference.

TCB Firmware with Stock Arduino Mega Diagnostic.png
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Offline LukeZ

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Re: Testing TCB Firmware with Stock Arduino Mega
« Reply #125 on: December 10, 2019, 06:07:47 AM »
I am wondering whether the TBS needs the correct values in Prop settings so that it knows when to play the sounds when it gets a signal from the TCB. The engine sounds work ok, so it must just be Prop 2 that isn't seeing what it should.
Yes I think that is the case. To use the Mini with the TCB (whether it be Benedini's or the DasMikro) you will need TBS Flash v3 or v4. Flash v1 will only work with the Micro sound cards and even then with more limited options.
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Offline Wibbly

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Re: Testing TCB Firmware with Stock Arduino Mega
« Reply #126 on: December 10, 2019, 07:04:31 AM »
I've just been playing around with it, trying all sorts of different combinations.

I managed to get the cannon sound but only when it was somehow linked to the Engine Start. I also had it on left stick down left, and even playing after the engine shut down. Need to figure out which parameters move it to left stick up.

The sound is there, the TBS can play it, and the TCB can play it. It's now a matter of identifying what correctly triggers it.  :o

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Offline LukeZ

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Re: Testing TCB Firmware with Stock Arduino Mega
« Reply #127 on: December 10, 2019, 11:53:56 AM »
I really don't think you will get it to work with your version of Flash because the Mini won't know what values to expect on the Prop 3 input which for the Mini is what we use to play all the sounds (except engine sounds and the repair sound, which go on Prop 2). When using the Micro we don't use Prop 3 at all and cannon and machine gun get set to Prop 2, the positions of which are hard-coded in the Micro so that is easy.

But with the Mini it needs to know in advance all the various positions of Prop 3 (there are 16 positions) and Thomas Benedini was kind enough to create a utility on the Diagnostic tab of Flash v3 and v4 where you can import a PropSettings file to tell the Mini what these positions will be. But Flash v1 has no such ability.

If you are getting some cannon fire sounds on engine start or odd positions of your turret stick then probably what is happening is that the Mini is using some default assumptions about the 16 positions which do not match what your TCB is actually sending, so instead of playing the cannon sound when it is supposed to it is playing it at some other time under some other conditions.

I know all this is frustrating, but what the Chinese cloners don't make very clear is that their products only work with Thomas's software and Thomas is only giving out his software to people who have actually bought a product from him. One of the very reasons why he has continued to release new versions of TBS Flash is precisely so he can stay ahead of the clone game and hopefully add features that will not work with the bootlegged software.

What I can say is that the Open Panzer firmware, even on a DIY Mega board will absolutely work with Thomas's sound card, but I can only guarantee it when the official products and software from Thomas are utilized. I don't personally mind people trying other things, it's not costing me money either way, but I think most of the time it's not going to work.
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Offline Wibbly

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Re: Testing TCB Firmware with Stock Arduino Mega
« Reply #128 on: December 10, 2019, 02:54:07 PM »
I don't blame Thomas in the slightest for taking this approach, it is his product and it must have been as frustrating as hell to see the Chinese cloning it.

I have Micro boards, so I'll try using one of those.

The Mini clones were bought for RC Trucks, and they will work fine on those, so it's not wasted money, it would have been good if they worked with the TCB firmware though. ;D

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Offline Wibbly

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Re: Testing TCB Firmware with Stock Arduino Mega
« Reply #129 on: December 12, 2019, 08:08:18 AM »

Finally got around to loading the Tiger 3 sounds onto a 'micro' board.

The Parameters and Diagnostic screens are shown below.
The OP is set to 'Micro'.

I've tried Prop 3 connected and disconnected.

Still no cannon sound?  :-\

Interestingly the engine sound is much the same to my untrained ear on both the mini and the micro.
The Benedini Flash is on autostart, it now starts the engine sound as soon as power is connected.

If anyone has problems with their FTDI USB UART, the driver they should try is v2.10.00. FTDI and Windows conspire to remove it, so if your FTDI stops working you may have to reinstall it. Windows Updates sometimes replace it with a later version that won't work.
TCB Firmware with Stock Arduino Mega Diagnostic.png
Views: 868
TCB Firmware with Stock Arduino Mega Parameters.png
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Offline LukeZ

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Re: Testing TCB Firmware with Stock Arduino Mega
« Reply #130 on: December 12, 2019, 10:21:48 AM »
Hi Wibbly, you have the Prop2 Type set to "2nd Coder 2-Key" but it should be "Function 1/2". I know, they look similar, but do very different things.

Leave Prop3 disconnected, it isn't used with the Micro and will only confuse it.
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Offline Wibbly

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Re: Testing TCB Firmware with Stock Arduino Mega
« Reply #131 on: December 13, 2019, 08:17:56 AM »
I have hooked up the Micro board.

All settings as you have described in the Flash, and I am part way there.

As soon as I power the tank up the cannon sounds, but it repeats non stop. The only way to stop it is to turn the tank off.

Prop 3 isn't connected, just Prop 1 & 2.

If I pull the Prop 2 plug from the Micro while it is generating the cannon sound, it still carries on?

Hopefully you will know what is causing this, I have checked all of the pins and connections, but drawn a blank.
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Offline LukeZ

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Re: Testing TCB Firmware with Stock Arduino Mega
« Reply #132 on: December 13, 2019, 08:24:55 AM »
Can you post your OPZ file for me to look at, and also your parameter file from TBS Flash (.tbp file)?

You might also check Snoop to see if it shows anything useful.
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Offline Wibbly

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Re: Testing TCB Firmware with Stock Arduino Mega
« Reply #133 on: December 13, 2019, 09:43:03 AM »
I've got these two, but can't see the *.tbp file, even a search doesn't throw anything up?

Just realised I probably need to generate it...will follow soon.
OP Setup.opz
(23.62 kB ~ Downloads: 494)
(3.42 kB ~ Downloads: 487)
Micro parameters.tbp
(0.27 kB ~ Downloads: 498)
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Offline LukeZ

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Re: Testing TCB Firmware with Stock Arduino Mega
« Reply #134 on: December 13, 2019, 09:48:10 AM »
I've got these two, but can't see the *.tbp file, even a search doesn't throw anything up?
Yeah, in TBS Flash go to the File menu and select "Save Parameter" and select a location on your hard-drive.
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