Dear LukeZ, long time no see, I my very busy before, and now I can take a break.I have made some sound card without teensy, and it works well. So my next step it to design some TCB card for my trucks. I wound make you a surprise when all the things finshed, but TCB does not work. So I have to get some help from you.In fact I have made some TCB from empty pcb and new atmega2560. Is the bootloader for TCB special? I use stk500boot_v2_mega2560.hex as bootloader, is that right? When I finished flash the bootloader , I connect TCB with USB but OP config can't connect.Can you tell my some detials about how can I make a empty 2560 be a TCB? Thank you.And here is my sound card, It is just 5*3 cm .
I have ppm working fine from a 9x pwm xmtr through a converter to ppm. When I try hooking up the inverter, using a FrSky XSR receiver, no radio is detected (both from blinking leds, and from snooping 'waiting for radio'). So I tried the 9x with converter using the sbus output, still no go.
I put a voltmeter from input to output on the inverter circuit, and get 3.27vdc, which to me seems that the signal is getting inverted? Am I right in thinking that? Is it perhaps that this transistor is too slow for the frequency of the sbus signal?
When you say you tried using the "converter with the SBus output", do you mean you tried using the PWM-to-PPM converter on the SBus output? That will not work since the converter will only work with PWM input. But I do note that the XSR also has a PPM output. Since you know your Mega is reading PPM just fine, you could try connecting the PPM output of your XSR directly to the Mega, for that test you won't need the converter or the inverter.
I wonder if it could be something as simple as the receiver just not being bound correctly to your transmitter module.
So I connected up my trusty Tektronix TAS 465 dual channel scope, (be kind as I think I use this thing once every 5 years). Channel one to the input to the inverter, and Channel two to the output. The input square wave is about 2.5v high, whereas the output is about twice that. So the transistor is amplifying the signal? I checked with both sets of resistors (6.8k/2.2k & 47k/10k) and the ouputs appear about the same. This signal is being inverted, just by too much?? Should I now go for the through hole equivalent of the BC848 (I think its a BC548)?
Actually, I'm willing to be I know what your problem is. Note that the radio input signal gets routed to two pins on the Mega - Arduino pin 3 for PPM, and Arduino pin 15 for iBus/inverted SBus. Probably you have just routed the receiver to pin 3 and not also to 15.
I am using a PWM tx/rx and an S2PW pwm>ppm converter. These are widely used in the RC aircraft world and are reliable.
The most that happens is that the tank motor will run for a few seconds using Channel 3, but if I centre the stick it will not then restart. It will not run in reverse.What have I missed?