Thx for your quick reply, to answer a few of your questions,
The board is a stock Arduino mega 2560, nothing i have made, it is flashed with Luke's DIY Arduino firmware, 7.2volts power is supplied to the board via the jack plug utilising the on board 5v volt regulator for running the board only and utilises a separate 5v independant board for positive and negative feeds for the ancillary components, servos, leds etc with a common negative.
I have now managed to identify and isolate the issue, i had an incling what it was and further testing has confirmed it, as i mentioned in my earlier post, it works fine on 7.4volts but not on anything more despite being rated from 5 volts to 12v input
I checked the specs and various youtube testing videos of the AMS 1117 5.0 VOLT regulator chip mounted on the board and it appears that they are equipped with a thermal regulator that shuts the chip down if it gets over voltage or over current, then re sets when cooled ( provided you have not blown the chip off the board )
It would appear that for some reason my regulator chip has become defective and its parameters have gone out of whack and it tripping this failsafe too early.
I had another chip on an Arduino Uno i was not using so removed it and soldered it back onto my Mega board and everthing is now working fine
A pic of the offending regulator chip.
Hope this may be of use if someone else has this issue.