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TCB - Radio Question
« on: January 21, 2017, 12:58:09 AM »

First thing, I would like to say many thanks to Luke for sharing his huge work.
I don't know how many hours he spent on the software (with all comments and explanation) also for experiment, test, modify etc ....
I'm a beginner in Arduino world and I working  playing on a robotic project based on Heng Long 1/16 tank.
I have writted my own sketch on a Mega2560, writted is not the exact word for a beginner.
To be honest , I tried to put together several pieces of sketches found on the web ...

The subject of my post :
I have modified my Turnigy ER9X, removed all switches and replaced potentiometer P3 with 8 push button with  resistors divider.
This allowed me to get 8 outputs ON/OFF or temporized or flip-flop style.
With 1% resistors this works very well (for my use) for a tank. I'm not sure than reliability is good enough for a $500 plane !

Personally I don't use any sound card.
So, one or two channels could be used for this basic system and this would offer 8 or 16 digitals outputs.

On the fact that TCB hardware could not be modified, using I2c (PCF8574+ mosfets on a separate board) could be a versatile solution.

Problem is the software ...... I'm very far from the Luke's  level.

Thanks for reading and regards to the group.


Offline LukeZ

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Re: TCB - Radio Question
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2017, 12:31:09 PM »
Bonjour Rebus! The TCB can read the radio signal from any receiver capable of outputting PPM, SBus, or iBus. It sounds like you have modified your radio so you have 8 distinct positions on a single RC channel. It is no problem for the TCB to read this, the hardware does not need to be changed.

However the TCB firmware right now is only written to handle inputs from RC channels that are either analog (stick or knob) or either a 2 position switch or 3 position switch. These are the types of controls commonly found on RC radios today. The firmware could be changed to read an 8-position switch but since almost no one has such a thing, it would be a feature with very low priority and you would have to add it yourself.

You took the approach of combining many functions into a single channel. I can understand why you did so, because in the past receivers and tank controllers can not handle many channels. The TCB is different, it has no problem reading 16 channels. Therefore a better approach will be to obtain a radio with many channels and many switches.

Since you are comfortable modifying your transmitter, you might consider something like the AR9X upgrade board in a Turnigy 9X (not 9XR). The AR9X lets you add additional controls including pushbuttons if you prefer buttons to switches.
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Re: TCB - Radio Question
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2017, 12:53:26 AM »

Merci Luke for your detailled answer.

In fact I'm more hardware than software, I spent my professional life in electronic, radio networks for a big american company (Motorola).
My software level stays at low level language only. Assembler 6800, Z80, 6502, and Atmel family, learnt on the field ...
Now I'm retired and I try to learn C++ throught Arduino, but the road is long and my brain is not what it was ....

Common hobby Radio have a maximum of 8 usables channels, and I would like to get the most with that.
Using one RC channel to transmit only one ON/OFF information is really frustrating (for me).
For trucks, boats and robotics hobbyist, 8, 16 or more ON/OFF switches is very interresting.

Sketch using resistors divider, sending calibrated pulse width, is writted, tested (and approved by myself !!!)

What I suggest for your's Todo List, is the possibility to enable/disable all "accessories" functions :
- Battle IR systems,
- Machine Gun,
- Sound

Motors control, turret rotation and barrel elevation should be assigned to CH0 --CH3,
This is the basis for a RC model.

But others, CH4 to CH7 (or more) could be enabled/disabled and assigned at the choice of  the user to different secondaries functions.

This is what I would like to do while studying your's sketches and libraries .....

Have a nice weekend Luke and thanks again for sharing this nice and motivating project.



Offline LukeZ

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Re: TCB - Radio Question
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2017, 10:34:35 AM »
What I suggest for your's Todo List, is the possibility to enable/disable all "accessories" functions :
- Battle IR systems,
- Machine Gun,
- Sound

Motors control, turret rotation and barrel elevation should be assigned to CH0 --CH3,
This is the basis for a RC model.

But others, CH4 to CH7 (or more) could be enabled/disabled and assigned at the choice of  the user to different secondaries functions.
I think you will find already most of this done. You will need to read through the Wiki to get a good sense of how the project works, and I encourage you also to download OP Config and play with it on your computer.

Through OP Config any radio channel can be assigned to any function. Typically Channels 0-3 (or 1-4 depending on your nomenclature) do control motors, turret rotation and barrel elevation. This does not have to be the case but typically is.

Channels 4-15 (5-16) are considered auxiliary channels and can control "accessory" functions. All of those functions can be enabled/disabled through the use of Function Triggers.

I understand the desire to maximize the utility of each channel. We do this already in that we allow the turret stick to serve both as the control for the turret rotation and barrel elevation, but also simultaneously as a 9-position switch (see the Trigger List). This requires no hardware modification of the transmitter, and it means that a person with a basic 4 channel radio can still take advantage of quite a few features of the TCB. With the ability to have the engine auto-start with throttle and auto-stop after some time at idle, you don't even need to assign a specific function to starting/stopping the engine (though you can if you want). This would leave quite a few slots on the turret stick for assigning other functions like fire cannon, fire machine gun, turn on a light, etc...

The only thing lacking right now from what you propose is the ability to read 8 positions as you suggest on an aux channel. The most the TCB can read right now is 3 positions. It would be possible to increase this number but this would require work, and compared to other improvements which would benefit all users, this one would only benefit a very small group of people willing to modify their transmitter. But since this is open source anyone is free to add that feature if they want!

This is what I would like to do while studying your's sketches and libraries .....
Although I do want developers and people willing to examine and improve the code, I would suggest to everyone they should first become very familiar with the product documentation, how the TCB operates, and what various functions it can perform, through reading closely the Wiki. Only after one has a good understanding of what it can already do, and how, will one be in a position to know the best way to make it do something new. Also then you will have a better idea what area of code to focus on.

Starting at the beginning with the code is probably going to be overwhelming.

But no matter what I welcome your questions and even more your participation! Thank you.
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Re: TCB - Radio Question
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2017, 02:34:31 AM »
Hello Luke,

Forum is very quiet !
I followed your advice by reading (again) carefully your Wiki ...
There is so much information that for every new reading, I discover interresting feature.
I had underestimated the triggers functions which are really powerfull.

Waiting Hobbyking news about TCB boards, I have build a proto shield plugged on a standart Mega2560 board to start experimentation. Eagle files are available if other impatient people are interested ...

Have a nice weekend ...
« Last Edit: January 29, 2017, 08:05:51 AM by Rebus »


Offline vonTirpitz

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Re: TCB - Radio Question
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2017, 10:57:12 AM »
Forum is very quiet !

Hello Rebus,

The forum might be quiet at the moment but I am certainly reading through the documentation as well and quietly gathering up the hardware I think I want to play with once the TCB becomes commercially available.    I suspect things will flare back to life once more people actually have the TCB in hand and can play with it.  8)

Welcome to the forums nonetheless!

- Marc

"The two most powerful warriors are patience and time."



Offline LukeZ

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Re: TCB - Radio Question
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2017, 02:46:48 PM »
Waiting Hobbyking news about TCB boards, I have build a proto shield plugged on a standard Mega2560 board to start experimentation. Eagle files are available if other impatient people are interested ...
I know of one other person at least who is experimenting with a stock Arduino Mega as well. That might be interesting if you want to share more about it over in the Testing TCB Firmware with Stock Arduino Mega thread.
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Re: TCB - Radio Question
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2017, 12:37:49 AM »
Hello Luke,

Thanks !
In fact, I would like to experiment to permit a better understanding of the different features.
And if hobbyking is ok manufacture your card, several months will be necessary before this one appears on their site.

Best Regards to all