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Messages - LukeZ

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Open Panzer Help / Re: Taigen Sound module problem
« on: September 06, 2019, 12:42:48 PM »
Unfortunately that delay is just the way the Taigen works, there is nothing you can do about it. It is very annoying I agree.

Open Panzer Help / Re: Benedini Mini problems
« on: September 04, 2019, 10:58:40 PM »
Ok, you can now upload ".tbp" files as well, but remember - there is no single parameter file that will work for every user, because people can load their sounds in any order or their Benedini sound file set may have the sounds in a different order. So sharing parameter files is not very useful.

Back to the issue with the prop settings - I have obtained a copy of TBS Flash v4 and spoken with Thomas. No changes have been made to the operation of the Mini when it comes to the prop settings, so the original values should be correct. I have tested Flash v4 with my own Mini and the original prop settings work just fine, and when I read the Prop 1 values in TBS Flash I see neutral at 121 (sometimes flickering to 122). I am going to assume that maybe you have some subtrim active on your throttle channel, this would be very easy to do especially if you are using a transmitter with analog trims. Or possibly it was still an issue with your radio setup where it had not saved the center stick position correctly.

However it is perfectly ok for you to adjust the Prop 1 neutral value as you did, and anyway 123 is still very close to 121. But for the official prop settings files and the documentation I am leaving the numbers as they were before.

The one change that did happen with Flash v4 is that files from earlier versions of Flash won't load, even though the actual values remain the same. I have posted new prop settings files (".tbc") to the Wiki page for every compatible version of Flash and the Mini (he now has a Mini V2 with expanded memory). But as I say, all the values remain the same.

The good news is it sounds like you have everything working now, both with your Benedini and your Taigen card. But let me know if you have any more problems!

Show and Tell / Re: 3D Printed T-35
« on: September 03, 2019, 11:06:01 PM »
Currently I like to have the fan and smoke unit separate, as I do not want to be burning the smoke oil all the time.
I know this thread is a few years old, but this comment by Dean has been rolling around in my head all this time and I've finally made some changes to the TCB to allow you to control the fan and heating element separately. This could come in useful for certain custom builds such as this one.

You can read more about the functionality in this thread: New Smoker Functionality

Open Panzer Help / New Smoker Functinality
« on: September 03, 2019, 10:56:31 PM »
I've just posted a new firmware update to the TCB and OP Config (v0.93.60) that adds some new functionality to the smoker. On the Motors tab of OP Config you will now see a smoker Type selection. The default selection is Combined Heat & Fan which is the same as before, to be used with stock Heng Long/Taigen smokers, but there is now a new option called Separate Heat & Fan.

This new option is for those who wish to control the fan and heating element independently. Under this arrangement the heating element will be plugged into the SMOKER output on the TCB (and will receive full battery voltage). The fan should then be plugged into the AUX output which the TCB will reserve for its use (manual aux control functions will be disabled when you select separate heat and fan). One limitation of the AUX output is that it only provides 5 volts so you should select a suitable fan (but there are many 5v case fans available online).

The Experimental smoker type is for my own testing and you should not use it, it will do nothing. It will be removed in a later release.

When the separate type is selected you will see additional options for setting the heating element level at idle, fast idle, and max throttle speeds. Most will probably want the heating element on at 100% for all throttle speeds but the ability is there to adjust it if you want.

is also an additional option called Preheat time which becomes available that will allow you to specify a length of time in seconds that the heating element should be powered before the tank engine is started. Set this option to 0 to disable preheating or if you don't want an engine start delay. Otherwise if a preheat time is specified, when you start the engine with whatever trigger you have assigned to that function, the heating element will immediately be turned on to full power (battery voltage) and an optional pre-heat sound will be played as a notification (User Sound 2 if using the Benedini TBS Mini or "preheat.wav" if using the Open Panzer sound card). After that length of time has passed, the engine will automatically start and the smoker fan will then turn on.

Some users have also requested the ability to have "inverse" smoker output, such that more smoke is generated at idle and less at full throttle. To accomplish this simply set the Idle speed to some percentage higher than Max speed, for example you might have Idle = 90%, Fast Idle = 100% and Max = 50% or something along those lines.

I hope some find this useful. As always, let me know if you have any questions.

Open Panzer Help / Re: Taigen Sound module problem
« on: September 03, 2019, 03:28:20 PM »
Thanks for letting me know, and thanks for helping me find this issue!

Open Panzer Help / Re: Benedini Mini problems
« on: September 03, 2019, 03:27:21 PM »
Hmm... I managed the radio settings 2x, maybe I forgot to upload it to the board :/ I will do it at home again and report the result
It looked like all that happened was you maybe forgot to move the sticks to their extremes when doing the "Save Min/Max" function, but your aux channels seemed correct. I'm sure if you go through it again it will be fixed.

The V4.0 flash is different, I think. There is no upload button on "Diagnostic" tab. I wanted to open the parameter from "File - Open" Parameter browse menu. When I click on "Open" this message showed up. I opened the "Parameter" tab for showing you the settings (helping you to identify the user error, if any).
Ok, I understand. Is there any option in the "File" menu to open a "Prop settings" file?

Either way, it seems Thomas has changed the prop values because 121 was correct for Flash v3 (EDIT - no, the values remain the same for all versions of Flash, continue reading below). I have changed the forum settings so you can now attach a "tbc" file. Now that you have discovered the correct values, are you able to save your prop settings from Flash v4 and post them here?

I have requested a copy of Flash v4 from Thomas but have not yet heard back.

Open Panzer Help / Re: Benedini Mini problems
« on: September 02, 2019, 03:50:08 PM »
Ok, I can see that your radio setup was not completed correctly. For example, for your throttle channel the min and max are set to 1500 and 1508. They should be something more like 1000 and 2000. The same is true for your other stick channels. This explains why you have no throttle response and why the turret stick functions are not working correctly.

Read again the Radio Setup and perform the radio setup routine once again.

Also I notice that you have functions to turn on and off the transmission when the engine turns on and off. This is not a problem but is unnecessary. When you start the engine the transmission is automatically engaged (after any Transmission Engage Delay setting from the Driving tab), and when you turn off the engine the transmission is automatically disengaged, you don't need any functions for that.

The reason there are functions for manually disengaging the transmission is that you could assign a switch to that, and then when your engine is running you can manually turn off the transmission. Now the model will not move but the engine sounds will still be running, smoker, etc... You can "rev" the throttle and hear all the sounds but your tank will stay stationary until you re-engage the transmission. But other than for that purpose, you don't need to use the transmission functions.

Open Panzer Help / Re: Benedini Mini problems
« on: September 02, 2019, 03:25:30 PM »
I have Benedini Mini v1 and got a problem.
When I want to upload the OP parameter it shows the pop-up message attached.
Looking more closely at your images, it appears you are trying to import the Open Panzer Prop Settings on the Parameter tab of TBS Flash. The Prop Settings must be loaded on the Diagnostic tab of TBS Flash (used to be called the Misc tab in Flash v3 and earlier).

There are no pre-configured Open Panzer parameter files for the Parameter tab, but you can create your own.

You might also want to run through Radio Setup in OP Config once more, and make sure you have all your channels assigned correctly. It's fine to have steering and throttle on the right stick (that is what I do), but during radio setup you just must make sure that when you move the throttle stick that OP Config shows it correctly assigned to throttle, and the same for steering, elevation and rotation.

Maybe you can also post your current OPZ file and I will take a look.

Open Panzer Help / Re: Benedini Mini problems
« on: September 02, 2019, 03:11:15 PM »
I see you are using TBS Flash v4.0. The most recent version I have is 3.0 so Thomas must have released an update recently. Possibly that is the problem. I will need to talk to him and see if anything has changed, and obtain the latest version so I can test it here. Give me a week or so to contact him and see what he says.

In the meantime if you have TBS Flash v3 you can try that.

Open Panzer Help / Re: Taigen Sound module problem
« on: September 01, 2019, 04:49:21 PM »
Hi Adam, I've obtained the Leopard and JS-2 soundcards and done some testing. In fact all the cards are controlled the same way, but there was something I missed in my initial deciphering of their signals. Even on the PzIII card the idle sound would be playing during engine start but it was not so noticeable as on the JS-2 sound card.

Anyway I believe I've fixed the problem and I've posted a firmware update (v0.93.53). Give it a test and let me know your results.

Show and Tell / Re: My TCB project
« on: August 31, 2019, 11:38:55 AM »
Ok, you are using the DKLM gearbox. The TCB is compatible. On the Motors tab under Vehicle Type there is an option specifically for this gearbox, select
= "Tank (single drive motor + steering motor, eg DKLM)"

If you want to use a Sabertooth that is also not a problem, just select Sabertooth ESC for the Drive Motors.

Show and Tell / Re: My TCB project
« on: August 30, 2019, 09:01:25 PM »
Hi Larry, if you can provide more information about your gearboxes I may be able to tell you if they will work. The gearbox that Code501 used is the DKLM RC PDSGB which is compatible, but it sounds like you might have something different.

TCB Dev / Re: Testing TCB Firmware with Stock Arduino Mega
« on: August 28, 2019, 01:57:31 PM »
Hi Jerry, I can't remember now what I answered. But I've send a PM to a couple of the Russian guys and hopefully they will chime in shortly.

Very interesting! I will look forward to hearing more details when you finish the project.

Open Panzer Help / Re: Taigen Sound module problem
« on: August 28, 2019, 01:41:33 PM »
Ok, I'm not surprised, it was just a guess. I will obtain the other sound cards and do some testing. It will take a few weeks but I'll let you know when the problem is fixed.

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