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Offline Amaral

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IR Receiver doesnt work
« on: February 13, 2022, 06:47:04 AM »

I want to do some IR battling with my 8yr son. I have two tanks with Clark TK60 boards (one with Taigen Apple, second with hidden DIY system). I want IR system also in my Maus with OP TCB. So I made receiver like I did for Clark board. And it doesnt work :(

OP can send IR signal, LED shows cannon reloaded. But it doesnt receive any signal from other tanks or Clarks TV remote :( arghhhh.

Im very disappointed. Has anyone isssue like me?

Edit: taigen apple dead after plugging to OP :/
« Last Edit: February 13, 2022, 08:07:56 AM by Amaral »


Offline LukeZ

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Re: IR Receiver doesnt work
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2022, 11:44:11 AM »
Hi Amaral,

I don't know what circuit you used for your DIY IR receiver so there's not much I can say about that. Not all IR receivers are the same and they need to be able to detect infrared light in the same wavelength region that the IR emitter uses. Most IR emitters operate with wavelengths between 880nm - 940nm, but are some are skewed more to one end of the range than the other. I just don't know enough about your setup to offer any advice.

As for the Taigen apple, did you follow the wiring diagram shown in the Wiki? If the apple is not wired correctly it is definitely possible to damage it.

Also I'm sure you thought of this but worth checking again, it is of course necessary that both boards are using the same IR protocol. Both the Clark and the TCB are capable of implementing different protocols. I would make sure you have them both set to Tamiya.
IR Receiver doesnt work taigen_ir.jpg
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Offline Amaral

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Re: IR Receiver doesnt work
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2022, 01:57:50 PM »
Hi LukeZ. Thx for quick reply.

I set both to Tamiya protocol.

Im using TSOP4838 IR receivers - they work very good with clark board. With OP not :/ Can You recommend IR receiver model which works with OP?

Maybe I brake down Taigen apple when it wont work and then I plugged it in other way.

But my DIY receiver was plugged correctly I know.


Offline LukeZ

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Re: IR Receiver doesnt work
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2022, 09:18:12 AM »
I looked at the datasheet of your IR receiver and it should work fine with the TCB. It accepts 5 volts and that is what we use. As long as it is wired correctly it should work. Do you know what IR LEDs you are using? They need to transmit on the same wavelength that your receiver can detect (according to the datasheet for the TSOP4838 it is most sensitive around 950nm). The wavelength is not something we can change in code, it is a fixed property of the IR Receiver and LED. But most likely you are using well-matched components if they are already working with your Clark board.

In many cases what seems like a big problem turns out to be something very simple that was overlooked. Double check all your connections and settings. Maybe try switching both the Clark and the TCB to Heng Long protocol and doing a test that way.
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Offline NS-21

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Re: IR Receiver doesnt work
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2022, 03:00:33 PM »
I would like to take this opportunity to ask. Can someone take a photo of the tamiya apple pinout for me?

And other apples.

I spread the connector for it on my versions of the boards. But I am opposed to crossing wires.

I will be very grateful if they take a photo with pinout marks.

Please, directly on the photo - mark the assignment of the pins to the tamiya apple in order to exclude such problems in the future and I will put it in the manual.

Thank you in advance.

P.S. On my boards - I tried everything. Everything is working. True, one day - my test tank began to work in the mode of a repair vehicle.

For a long time I could not understand if it was interference or something else. But I bought myself a microscope for my birthday. It turned out the output from the microchip was badly soldered.

But now I have a great tool. Bad soldering is not terrible for us!

P.S. The bear is also happy with the new tool.


Offline LukeZ

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Re: IR Receiver doesnt work
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2022, 09:30:15 AM »
Hi NS, here are some diagrams that might help. Note that the picture you posted of the Tamiya Battle Unit shows a different connector and wire colors than what Tamiya uses. I have labelled each pin but also shown another picture of the Tamiya with the stock Tamiya wire colors.
IR Receiver doesnt work TamiyaBattleUnit.jpg
Views: 1268
IR Receiver doesnt work TamiyaBattleUnit_TCB.jpg
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IR Receiver doesnt work HengLongBattleUnit.jpg
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IR Receiver doesnt work TaigenBattleUnit.jpg
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Offline NS-21

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Re: IR Receiver doesnt work
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2022, 01:58:03 PM »
LukeZ! Thanks, that's what I needed.

One more request. As I understand it from Tamiya Battle Unit - the connection connector has a physical key, the so-called "fool protection" (we have such a saying).

Could someone take the approximate dimensions and take a photo from the side of the connection connector? I want to make a 3d model of this connector.

HM. It turns out that Heng Long has no hit indication in the apple and so on.
I did not know.
They gave me a gift tank without an IR-combat system.


Offline LukeZ

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Re: IR Receiver doesnt work
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2022, 12:00:56 PM »
Unfortunately I do not have a Tamiya Battle Unit with me, but hopefully someone else can take some measurements for you.

Years ago a user at RCUniverse was making a 3D printed base for the Tamiya apple, see here for an example. He doesn't seem to be active at RCUniverse anymore, but he has a website and you could try contacting him there.
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