Hi Kim, what is NT1 - Net_Tie_2 on the PCB? I'm working on a Bill of Materials with part numbers and prices for Digikey electronics here in the USA which I can post, when complete, if there is any interest. Cheers,Joe
// HARDWARE VERSION DEVICE HardwareVersion = DEVICE_HECLO_SHIELD; // This is the Heclo TCB shield for Mega2560 boards
I've created a new motor class called Onboard_ESC_CD (for C & D). I've put the Sabertooth_SerialESC motor class back to normal so now that can still be selected. In OP Config, I've created a new entry in the Drive Motors list called "HECLO ONLY! - Drivers C & D" so users can select these new outputs.
To keep compatibility with all the other TCB boards in existence, I had to make your VNH5050 the C & D outputs, so we can keep the turret outputs at A & B. I renamed the variables in your code as well to keep everything consistent. From what I can see of your physical PCB I don't think this will require any changes to the silkscreen since I don't see A, B, C or D written on the board, but you will know better than me.
Your motor current measuring code is good when using the onboard C & D motor drivers, but it would break any other kinds of outputs (serial controllers, hobby ESCs, etc...) so I added a check and now the current measuring code is only used when the C & D motor drivers are being used but the old code is used for any other kind of output. Of course if someone is using your shield they are most likely going to be using the onboard VNH5050 drivers, but it is best to allow all options just in case.
I removed the mavlink folder from the source code because I couldn't see that it was being used anywhere. If this is a mistake you can let me know, but it compiles without it!
Wow, Luke, you've been busy!I have the bill of materials and will post it here. I have sourced Digikey Electronics here in the US for the components and have included their part numbers and links to the parts on their site. I hope it is helpful!I've not made any progress in building my boards. I recently started building "THEDIYGuy999" micro receiver board and am having problems getting it working. It is all SMD components and until I conquer it I'm not going to attempt Kim's much busier board. Learning to work with SMD's at the tender age of 68 is a bit of a trial. I think I can solder them pretty well now, but when things don't work it is very hard to troubleshoot. Continuity testing is fun when you are switching between 5x magnifier and reading glasses between the board and the schematic. Likewise, it is difficult to get a scope probe on a tiny Mega328P pin! Oh well, what else are we to do during the Covid shutdown??
I don't quite follow you here. In my Frankenstein Leopard 2 (the one I make most of my experimentation on) I use brushless motors which are being controlled by ESC's (BlHeli32) via the servo outputs. The ESC's are supplied current via the EXT_ESC connector on the board, so their current consumption can be measured. The motor wattage is regulated to an accuracy of +-0,5W. I'll post a video of it in operation tonight?