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Offline legrosminet

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turn and forward problem
« on: May 27, 2019, 01:02:29 AM »

je possède un leopard 2a6 sur lequel j'ai installé la TCB Openpanzer.
cette carte est vraiment incroyable et bien au dessus de certaines autres dont la tk22 par exemple.

Bref tout fonctionne, je pense avoir fait les bon réglages, sauf que lorsque je suis entrain d'avancer ou de reculer, je ne peux pas tourner. Je dois m'arrêter et tourner.

J'utilise une radio turnigy 9x, et je pense qu'elle est bien paramétrée puisque tout fonctionne.

Bref je me retourne vers la communauté car je ne comprends pas et je n'ai pas trouver de réponses à ma question sur le forum ou le wiki.

Je mets le texte en français et en anglais et je joins mon fichier de opconfig.

D'avance merci.




I own a leopard 2a6 on which I installed the TCB Openpanzer.
this map is really amazing and well above some others including tk22 for example.

In short, everything works, I think I made the right adjustments, except that when I’m moving forward or backward, I can’t turn. I have to stop and turn.

I use a Turnigy 9x radio, and I think it’s well set up because everything works.

Anyway I turn to the community because I do not understand and I did not find answers to my question on the forum or wiki.

I put the text in French and English and attach my opconfig file.

Thank you in advance.



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Offline LukeZ

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Re: turn and forward problem
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2019, 02:09:08 PM »
Bonjour Minet, et bienvenue. Votre anglais est excellent, mais mon français n'est pas très bon, so I hope you will understand my English.

Interestingly Jaunillor reported this same problem recently, but he has not said whether he fixed it or not. We will have to ask him.

My advice to him was to re-check the radio setup. But you have already done that so I will assume that is not the problem.

One thing you both have in common is that you are both using ESCs for motor control. Can you tell me what ESC you are using? I wonder if your ESC has brake enabled - that could cause problems with turning.
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Offline legrosminet

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Re: turn and forward problem
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2019, 03:55:54 PM »
merci pour une réponse aussi rapide

effectivement j'utilise des ESC HobbyKing X-Car 45A Brushed Car ESC un par moteur comme préconisé dans le wiki.
Je viens de revérifier les paramètres selon le wiki pas de problème de ce côté.


thanks for such a quick response
actually I use ESC HobbyKing X-Car 45A Brushed Car ESC one by motor as advocated in the wiki.
I just reverified the parameters according to the wiki no problem on this side.



Offline LukeZ

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Re: turn and forward problem
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2019, 06:49:12 PM »
I am beginning to think the problem could be mechanical. Let us do a very simple test before we proceed any further:

Elevate your tank on a block placed beneath the chassis. The tracks (les chenilles) should be free to turn but not touch the ground.

Now command forward and turn. Does the inner track slow down? For example, if you command left turn, the left track will be the "inner" track and it should decrease speed.

If that is what you observe then your TCB and ESCs are working correctly and the turning command is being issued correctly. In this case the problem is mechanical.

But if you issue a turn command and both tracks continue to move at the same speed, then we have a TCB or firmware problem.

Let me know what you find out! And please tell me if you have problems understanding and I will try to write in French.

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Offline legrosminet

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Re: turn and forward problem
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2019, 12:53:06 AM »
j'ai élevé mon tank

marche avant ou marche arrière pas de problème.
avant gauche, avant droit, arrière gauche ou arrière droit, aucune modification de vitesse dans les chenilles.

j'ai fait le test en vitesse lente et vitesse rapide.

Lorsque je fait un tout à gauche ou tout a droite les chenilles gauche et droite tournent dans un sens opposé.


I elevate my tank

forward or backward no problem.
left front, right front, left rear or right rear, no change in speed in the tracks.

I did the test in slow speed and fast speed.

When I make an all left or right, the left and right caterpillars turn in the opposite direction.



Offline LukeZ

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Re: turn and forward problem
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2019, 02:14:01 PM »
This problem has me stumped. I loaded your OPZ file onto my own TCB, I connected it to two XCar 45 ESCs same as you, and I have no problems. I am even using a 9X radio as well, although my radio settings are slightly different.

I have several 9X radios and I always have to set the channel order for the sticks to 2,4,3,1 (throttle, steering, elevation, rotation). Yours are 1,2,3,4 but maybe you have re-arranged the channel order on the transmitter. You should make sure that your transmitter does NOT have any mixes created. I would suggest you run through Radio Setup one more time just to be sure that is not contributing to the problem. See the YouTube video for a reminder if necessary.

Afterwards, can you please load this test firmware onto your TCB. Right-click the link and select "Save link as" to save it to your computer. Then on the Firmware tab of OP Config, click the "Use your own Hex" button to select this file. Now flash to the TCB.


If you were already using a recent version of firmware your settings should be maintained, if you were using an older version (0.93.44 or earlier) they will be reset to default, in that case you will want to write your OPZ file after flashing to restore your settings.

The only change in this version is that it will print the actual speed values being sent to each track in real time. To see these values, you will need to keep your TCB connected to the computer in Snoop mode (keep your tank elevated so it doesn't drive off your desk!)

I have shown a screenshot below. The left column is the speed of the left track, the right column is the speed of the right track. Values can range from 0 (stopped) to 255 (full speed). Forward speeds are positive and reverse speeds are negative. In this screenshot, you can see that I am going full speed ahead and turning right at the same time (left track speed is maximum 255, right track speed is much slower at around 70).

What you describe is that when moving forward, you command a turn but no turn happens. If that is what the TCB is actually doing, Snoop will show that your left and right track speeds are always the same, even when you move the steering stick. That definitely should not be possible but let's see what happens.
turn and forward problem TrackValues.jpg
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Offline legrosminet

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Re: turn and forward problem
« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2019, 03:24:03 PM »

merci pour l'interêt porté à ma demande. j'ai installé le firmware et j'ai fait les tests selon vos demandes.

lorsque j'avance il m'indique bien les 2 pistes avec la même vitesse et lorsque je déplace le stick  vers la droite ou la gauche en avançant rien ne bouge les 2 colonnes indiquent la même vitesse.

ma radio turnigy 9x est avec le mod tanker9x SVN er9x-r1 VERSION Anzio.


good evening,

thank you for the interest brought to my request. I installed the firmware and did the tests according to your requests.

when I advance it shows me the 2 tracks with the same speed and when I move the stick to the right or left advancing nothing moves the 2 columns indicate the same speed.

my radio turnigy 9x is with mod tanker9x SVN er9x-r1 VERSION Anzio.

turn and forward problem Capture.PNG
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Offline LukeZ

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Re: turn and forward problem
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2019, 03:42:06 PM »
What this tells me is that your steering channel is not being recognized or processed.

I strongly recommend against using Tanker9X. It is designed to perform functions in the transmitter that should instead be left to the TCB. It is also no longer being supported or developed so far as I know. It was never designed for use with the Open Panzer TCB. 

To eliminate this as a possible factor, can you try a different transmitter? Alternatively try replacing the firmware with with ER9X, OpenTX or any other general-purpose operating system. You want the most basic setup on your transmitter - each channel simply transmits its own values. NO mixes, nothing fancy. That will only create problems.
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Offline Rad_Schuhart

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Re: turn and forward problem
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2019, 03:50:07 PM »
I agree with Luke, and even more: Nobody should use Tanker9x anymore.

It has been abandoned for years and as far as I remember it included some mixings and some inertias. I am pretty sure problems are comming from there.

Id just flash the latest version of er9x and create a new model in the radio.


Offline legrosminet

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Re: turn and forward problem
« Reply #9 on: May 28, 2019, 04:10:05 PM »
Bonsoir Rad_Schuhart,

pourrais tu m'envoyer ton fichier de paramétrage, je viens de reflasher ma radio avec le firmware er9x


Good evening Rad_Schuhart,

could you send me your parameter file, I just flashed my radio with the er9x firmware



Offline LukeZ

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Re: turn and forward problem
« Reply #10 on: May 28, 2019, 04:48:01 PM »
Minet, here is a basic er9x model setup that I use. You can load it to your transmitter using the eePe program. On your transmitter you should perform also a perform the Calibration routine once (in er9x the Calibration routine is in the Radio Setup menu - press the left button on the transmitter to enter the Radio Setup menu).

A complete tutorial on er9x is beyond my ability. It has many functions and abilities but for our purposes we need only the most basic. On the Model Setup screen, under MIXER you will see that all I have done is create a mix for each of the 14 controls on the 9X transmitter. I am not mixing channels with each other - the terminology is a little confusing, all I am doing is mixing the physical control (switch, knob, stick) to a channel number.

Everything else you need can be done in OP Config.

I hope this helps.
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Offline legrosminet

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Re: turn and forward problem
« Reply #11 on: May 29, 2019, 02:37:51 AM »

je teste votre fichier, j'ai reflash ma turnigy 9X avec le firmware d'origine, j'ai connu quelques problème hier soir de bind entre la radio et le recepteur FS-A8S.

Donc dès que j'ai réussi d'implanter les paramètres je vous tiendrais au courant.



I test your file, I reflected my turnigy 9X with the original firmware, I had some problem last night bind between the radio and the receiver FS-A8S.

So as soon as I managed to implement the settings I will keep you informed.



Offline Rad_Schuhart

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Re: turn and forward problem
« Reply #12 on: May 29, 2019, 03:30:38 AM »
Bonsoir Rad_Schuhart,

Good evening Rad_Schuhart,

could you send me your parameter file, I just flashed my radio with the er9x firmware


Bonjour Minet,

I am sorry but my 9x radio has been moded quite a lot, to the point that does not use er9x anymore, but erskyTX, which is an upgraded version of er9x. That needs a big hardware mod with a board that does not exist anymore... So it means my radio file wont work with your radio.

But If you have already flashed the newest version of er9x, and created a new model, I think you should not have any problem anymore. As luke points, be sure to calibrate it.

Regarding your binding problem, I have no experience with that receiver, but you might need to select the receiver you have in the "Model setup - protocol" menu.


Offline LukeZ

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Re: turn and forward problem
« Reply #13 on: May 29, 2019, 12:43:41 PM »

je teste votre fichier, j'ai reflash ma turnigy 9X avec le firmware d'origine, j'ai connu quelques problème hier soir de bind entre la radio et le recepteur FS-A8S.

Donc dès que j'ai réussi d'implanter les paramètres je vous tiendrais au courant.



I test your file, I reflected my turnigy 9X with the original firmware, I had some problem last night bind between the radio and the receiver FS-A8S.

So as soon as I managed to implement the settings I will keep you informed.

Ok, if you put your 9X back to "original" firmware then my file will not work. My file will only work with er9x transmitter software, not original software.

I am curious, what module are you using in the transmitter? Are you using the stock AFHDS-2A module that comes with the Hobby King transmitter? If so I am not sure it will be possible to bind to the FS-A8S. Hobby King's webpage on the FS-A8S implies that it will work but I think they are wrong. You will probably have to use the stock iA8 receiver, or else upgrade to a new module (I recommend FrSky XJT and FrSky receiver).

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Offline Rad_Schuhart

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Re: turn and forward problem
« Reply #14 on: May 29, 2019, 04:34:44 PM »
Oh I missed that part completelly! When you said "original firmware" I imagined it was the original er9x from but not the original firmware that comes with the radio!

I strongly recommend you to flash er9x and never use the stock firmware again.

