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Offline Shorty54

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Re: Shorty's E8
« Reply #45 on: April 06, 2018, 03:08:00 PM »
Try these and see if they work.

(737.04 kB ~ Downloads: 648)
(0.19 kB ~ Downloads: 562)


Offline LukeZ

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Re: Shorty's E8
« Reply #46 on: April 06, 2018, 03:30:30 PM »
Yes, that does seem to work but it's not clear to me what you've changed.

If the only change is the "Mute Engine" mode on Sound 7, in my testing that does not reliably work although it seems to have in this case, but it didn't with your earlier sound set from the other day.

The good news is that by introducing some minor delays I seem to have gotten it working reliably with all sounds, although further testing by you and others will be useful to make certain. I will include this change in the next release, however the next release also includes a bunch of other things which aren't quite ready so it may be a week or two yet.
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Offline Shorty54

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Re: Shorty's E8
« Reply #47 on: April 06, 2018, 04:19:22 PM »
I also noticed a glitch and not 100% reliable.  That's why I wanted you to test also.  "Mute Engine" was the only thing changed on that sound set.  I am testing the other sound set I have also, I have not noticed the reliability issue with that one. 

The glitch I have noticed so far is;
 1-the destroyed sound doesn't always play on the last hit,
 2- Auto startup after destroyed hit, the engine will not rev past idle (dead stick)
 3-  Full throttle engine rev sound with no input from stick with no way to stop without a complete re start up, power down and power back up. 

I thought maybe a low battery, low voltage, but the same issues after a full charge. 

The other sound sets I have were custom created by someone else.  I'm not sure I should post them publicly,
I would not want to step on the creators toes, or make them upset.  Some don't mind sharing and others do.

If there is anything in the TCB or TBS you want me to change and test, just let me know.



Offline LukeZ

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Re: Shorty's E8
« Reply #48 on: April 06, 2018, 05:26:04 PM »
No need to post any more sound sets, I don't think it is the sounds themselves that are the problem, or if they are it's not in a way that is consistent or discernible.

I will try to see if I can reproduce the odd TBS behavior you are getting with the full throttle sound, that is not happening for me but I'm also using the firmware with the delay fix implemented, which may prevent the Mini from getting confused and doing weird things.

I will do more testing and let you know what I find, but for the moment I don't think I need anything else from your end, you've been very helpful so far and I appreciate it. When I have the new firmware ready I will have you test.
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Offline Shorty54

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Re: Shorty's E8
« Reply #49 on: April 06, 2018, 05:36:44 PM »
One more thing, I will be replacing the 10 channel RX with 8 channel RX, its on the way. 
I just found out if the engine sound is off,  the last hit will start the engine sound.  I suppose it loses signal so it starts. 
No worries.  I just ran through 5 kill cycles (5 shot kills x5 times) no issues, other than the startup on last kill when engine was off. 

The positive side of having small issues like this, is you learn a lot more about how the system works and your way around the board.  I am still having fun! No worries here! 

Thank you,



Offline LukeZ

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Re: Shorty's E8
« Reply #50 on: April 06, 2018, 07:45:55 PM »
I just found out if the engine sound is off,  the last hit will start the engine sound.  I suppose it loses signal so it starts.
That we can be sure is not a TCB issue and if it was you would have observed it long before now.

One serious limitation of the TBS Mini is that it does not have an explicit engine "on" and "off" command, it only has a "toggle" command. For this reason it is actually not difficult to get the TCB and Mini out-of-sync with each other, which I'm certain is what happened in your case. The only reason the Mini was "starting" the engine on the last kill shot is because it was out of sync with the TCB, and therefore was off when it should have been on and on when it should have been off.

I'm confident if you go back and try again you will find this behavior has disappeared.
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Offline LukeZ

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Re: Shorty's E8
« Reply #51 on: April 08, 2018, 01:57:54 PM »
Hi Shad, I've posted firmware updates for both OP Config and the TCB. These updates include the slight delay which in my testing seems to resolve the issue of the Bendini not playing the engine destroyed sound on the last hit. However the updates include a bunch of other stuff as well and this is one of those updates which will erase all your saved settings, I try to do these as infrequently as possible but occasionally it is unavoidable. Therefore it is recommended you save an OPZ file of your settings before updating, otherwise you will have to go through radio setup all over again as well as re-create all your function triggers.

To backup your settings:
  • Open your existing version of OP Config and connect to your TCB
  • Read all the settings from your TCB (green arrow) then save an OPZ file to your computer (File -> Save Settings to File)
  • Now check for OP Config updates and install the new release (Help -> Check for Updates)
  • After the new version of OP Config is installed, go to the Firmware tab, click Get Latest Release for the TCB, then Flash the new firmware. Your TCB is now updated but all its old settings have been erased.
  • Open the OPZ file you saved earlier (OP Config -> File -> Import Settings). You will see a message that not all settings were imported, this is fine, it just means that new settings have been created since your last save. Any new settings will automatically be initialized to some default value.
  • Now write the imported settings back to your TCB (blue arrow). And for good measure, save a new OPZ file that will now contain all the new settings as well.

Earlier you had requested the option to turn off the cannon-reload blink effect, this option is now available on the Lights & IO tab under the "Indicator Lights" heading.

Please test this version with your Benedini Mini and let me know what you find. I was never able to reproduce the odd behavior you described that caused a full throttle sound after the tank was restored. I'm assuming it was some kind of glitch with your Benedini. But the tank destroyed sound should reliably play now on the last hit, at least it does for me, so let's hope it does for you as well.
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Offline Shorty54

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Re: Shorty's E8
« Reply #52 on: April 09, 2018, 07:59:14 AM »
Thanks for the fast updates Luke! 
I updated, no problem, thanks for the step by step, it helped to not lose saved settings!
I ran the TBS through 10 cycles with 3 shots to destroyed state and allowed tank to auto start back up. 
So far so good.  The Sounds played correctly, no glitches.  There must a sequence to starting the TBS, It can get out of sync, but it seems to only happen one time.  I am trying to put my finger on if its random, or if its something I am doing.  I like to keep the TBS and Flash hooked up so I can change params and add sounds.  I think I may have to completely disconnect, and re-power up TCB. 

Anyway, I think its cured. I'll be sure to let you know any other issues I find. Thanks for adding the option of the IR reload lights too.

Thanks again for all the help and support, and being so fast at responses!
We are all at different levels of skill when it comes to some of this electronics stuff, I am kind of at the low end ???
Customer support is very important and your doing a great job!



Offline Shorty54

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Re: Shorty's E8
« Reply #53 on: April 10, 2018, 12:35:15 PM »
I have 3 "squeek" sounds in the TBS.  I loaded them in sound # 12, 13, 14 on the params page. 
They are enabled in the OP and set at the default OP settings.  I dont hear them while running the throttle.
Are these sounds workable with the TBS mini?



Offline LukeZ

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Re: Shorty's E8
« Reply #54 on: April 10, 2018, 07:14:31 PM »
I discovered a bug that prevented these from playing, I've posted a firmware update that should fix it. Give it a try and let me know. (This update does not erase your settings so you can just flash your TCB directly).
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Offline Shorty54

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Re: Shorty's E8
« Reply #55 on: April 10, 2018, 07:49:21 PM »
I have squeaks now. 8)

Thanks Luke!
