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Offline jhamm

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Lights did not work
« on: July 15, 2017, 06:17:55 AM »
i setup the TCB as described.
Driving is beautiful.
Turret works great.
But all LED is on.
- MG LED is allways on - no flash on trigger, Sound work
- Cannon LED is allways on - no flash on trigger, Sound work
- Light 1 and Light 2 did not react on trigger
- brake LED is allways on

I checked it on all my four TCB and it is all the same.... 

Look at the configuration:
Lights did not work Lights.jpg
Views: 2658
Lights did not work Trigger.jpg
Views: 2177
« Last Edit: July 15, 2017, 06:40:46 AM by jhamm »


Offline LukeZ

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Re: Lights did not work
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2017, 11:55:45 AM »
That's strange. If you have four TCBs and they all exhibit the same problem, it almost implies a hardware issue on the light outputs. They work fine on my end but I don't yet have a TCB from this production run to examine, just prototypes.

Some things to try:
- Operate the lights while connected to the computer in Snoop mode. The TCB should show you in the console window whether it is actually trying to turn on/off Light 1 and 2.
- Set "Blink all lights when Radio signal lost" and turn off your transmitter/or unplug your receiver. Do L1/L2/MG/Brake flash now?

What version of TCB Firmware do you have loaded? You see the firmware version at the bottom of the OP Config window after you connect to the TCB.

Finally, this probably won't help much, but perhaps you could take a close-up picture of the TCB board for me to look at.

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Re: Lights did not work
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2017, 11:59:24 AM »
On a completely unrelated note - you don't need to assign Transmission On/Off triggers, or at least it doesn't make sense to do so on the same trigger as the engine.

When the Engine is turned on, the transmission is automatically engaged (after a brief delay to allow the startup engine sound to play, the length of this delay is specified by you in the Transmission Engage Delay setting on the Driving tab). When you turn the Engine off, the Transmission is automatically disengaged. So you could eliminate those two function triggers.

If you wanted to engage/disengage the transmission on another channel you would be able to do so while the engine was still running. This would allow you to "rev the engine" on the sound card, without actually moving your tank.
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Offline jhamm

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Re: Lights did not work
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2017, 12:54:47 PM »
did you not get a Production Sample?

 I set "Blink all lights when Radio signal lost" and turn off the transmitter.
No flash on L1/L2/MG/Brake.
The lights do nothing while connected to the computer in Snoop mode, they allways on.

Here is the Snoop Output:

<- 31|31|0|-28996
Radio Ready - SBus


Stick       Min    Center   Max    Deadband  Reversed
Throttle   1000    1500     2000    15        FALSE
Turn       1000    1500     2000    15        FALSE
Elevation  1000    1500     2000    15        FALSE
Azimuth    1000    1500     2000    15        FALSE

Aux Chan.   Min     Max     Type
1           1000    2000    Digital
2           1000    2000    Digital
3           1000    2000    Digital
4           1000    2000    Digital
5           1000    2000    Digital
6           1000    2000    Digital
7           1000    2000    Digital
8           1000    2000    Digital
9           1000    2000    Digital
10          1000    2000    Digital
11          1000    2000    Digital
12          1000    2000    Digital
Channels detected: 16
Channels utilized: 16

Drive Motors:      Servo/ESC
Turret Rotation:   Onboard Motor Driver (A)
Barrel Elevation:  Pan Servo
Mechanical Barrel: Mechanical recoil

Vehicle Type:           Tank
Active Driving Profile: 1
Accel Ramp Enabled:     No
Decel Ramp Enabled:     No
Motor Nudge Enabled:    No
Forward Speed Limited:  No
Reverse Speed Limited:  Yes - 50%
Shift time:             1.0 sec
Engine pause time:      1.0 sec
Transmission delay:     1.0 sec
Neutral turn allowed:   No
Turn mode:              3

Turret Rotation Speed Limited:  No
Barrel Elevation Speed Limited: No
Recoil delay:                   0.10

IR & Tank Battling Disabled

Sound card: Benedini TBS Mini

Sensor not detected!

Turret stick functions: None
Aux Channel  4 - Pos 2 (of 2) -> Function #7  - Cannon Fire
Aux Channel  1 - Pos 1 (of 2) -> Function #2  - Engine - Turn On
Aux Channel  1 - Pos 2 (of 2) -> Function #3  - Engine - Turn Off
Aux Channel  2 - Pos 1 (of 2) -> Function #11 - Machine Gun - Fire
Aux Channel  2 - Pos 2 (of 2) -> Function #12 - Machine Gun - Stop
Aux Channel  3 - Pos 1 (of 3) -> Function #98 - Start Increasing Volume
Aux Channel  3 - Pos 2 (of 3) -> Function #100 - Stop Changing Volume
Aux Channel  3 - Pos 3 (of 3) -> Function #99 - Start Decreasing Volume

Battery Detected: No
LVC Enabled:      Yes (6.4v cutoff)

USB Serial Baud:   115200
Motor Serial Baud: 38400
Aux Serial Baud:   115200
Serial 3 Tx Baud:  38400



Offline LukeZ

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Re: Lights did not work
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2017, 12:59:39 PM »
They sent me a production sample but it has not yet arrived. I've just tried ordering one myself as it will probably be faster, but the website is already showing out of stock...

The Snoop you posted is just the data dump at the beginning. What you need to do is view the Snoop output while you toggle your Aux Channel 3. You should see messages like "Light 1 turned on" or "Light 2 turned off" etc...
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Re: Lights did not work
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2017, 01:04:13 PM »
Here is another test that should isolate the problem as software or hardware. I have attached a very simple sketch, it will blink all the top row lights (Aux, L1, L2, Brake, MG) as well as the onboard red and green LEDs. That's all it does, you won't be able to control your tank with this sketch.

Download this hex file, go to the Firmware tab of OP Config, click "Use your own Hex" and point it to the file you downloaded, then Flash. If you open Snoop you should see alternating messages "Lights on" / "Lights off".

If the messages appear in the console window, and if the Red/Green LEDs blink, but none of the other lights blink, then almost certainly there is a hardware issue.

I've asked Hobby King to do a test on their end, but they don't work much on the weekend so it will probably be next week before I hear anything back.
(8.52 kB ~ Downloads: 563)
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Offline jhamm

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Re: Lights did not work
« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2017, 01:07:48 PM »
at Snoop is no action while i switch Lights on / off.

Attachment of the Pictures failed, i put they on my Server:

Notify me if you copy the Picture, than i  delete the Pictures from the Server.


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Re: Lights did not work
« Reply #7 on: July 15, 2017, 01:14:41 PM »
Ok i did the Test...
We have a Problem- the Lights did not flash - they allways on.
Only the Red and Green Led near the Input-Switch is blinking.

i think i find the Failure:
Q1 - Q5 are wrong Types:
When i trigger the Cannon, the is a short Signal arraond 0,8V on Q1
When i trigger MG there is a Signal arrond 2,2V on Q5
« Last Edit: July 15, 2017, 01:49:31 PM by jhamm »


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Re: Lights did not work
« Reply #8 on: July 15, 2017, 01:44:51 PM »
I've saved the photos so you can take them down.

From the test sketch, I would agree with you there seems to be a hardware problem.

Just because I like to be very thorough, I want to understand your earlier comment: "at Snoop is no action while i switch Lights on / off"

Can you reload the regular firmware onto the TCB. All your settings will have been lost when you flashed the test sketch, so hopefully you saved an OPZ file first, otherwise you will need to go through radio setup again. Go to the Misc tab of OP Config and make sure the "Print debug messages" option is checked. Load these settings on to the TCB.

Now once more toggle your lights using the switches on your transmitter, while in Snoop mode. If there is a hardware problem the lights will do nothing, but I should still expect to see debug messages appear in the console, like I've attached below. That is what it looks like when I move my switches back and forth to turn on/off the lights.
Lights did not work Console_Lights.jpg
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Re: Lights did not work
« Reply #9 on: July 15, 2017, 02:15:28 PM »
i see action, look attached Picture...
How much Voltage on Pin 1 (G) is necessary?
I mesure on Q4 pin 1 when Motor is off  4,92 Volt  when Motor is on  is 0 V
This is functional correct, but the Mosfet did not switch...
The Mosfet is signed 23EG...

How can I test if it is the right Mosfet?

I will order 50 pieces of IRLML2502 = 9,00 €  its cheaper than sending the boards back to HongKong
Then i exchange one, if this works, then I also solder the others..
Lights did not work Snoop2.jpg
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Offline LukeZ

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Re: Lights did not work
« Reply #10 on: July 15, 2017, 02:29:54 PM »
On Pin 1 (G) of the MOSFET, the voltage should be 0.0 (ground) when the light is off, and ~5v when the light is on.

On Pin 3 (D) of the MOSFET, the opposite should be true - when the light is on the voltage should be 0.0 (ground), and ~5v when the light is off.

In other words, the LEDs are always given a 5 volt signal on the anode side. The MOSFET is switching the connection to ground of the cathode leg.

If the G pin of the MOSFET is behaving as expected, we can know the ATmega is working correctly. If the D pin of the MOSFET always remains at ~5v, the problem is with the MOSFET (or perhaps the PCB, but unlikely). I wonder if Hobby King used a different MOSFET on the board than in the specification.

Here is also another light-testing sketch, this time the blinking is much slower. Makes it easier to see the voltage change on a digital multimeter.

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Re: Lights did not work
« Reply #11 on: July 15, 2017, 02:40:28 PM »
Look at the attached Picture, the PCB is right.
In sum are  8x IRLML2502 on the TCB.
How can i check Q6 to Q8 is work?
Lights did not work Bild.jpg
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Offline LukeZ

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Re: Lights did not work
« Reply #12 on: July 15, 2017, 03:34:25 PM »
Q6 controls the IR output (look on the bottom of the board for the IR label). But beware, it provides full battery voltage (> 5v). The output will do nothing unless you have a battery plugged in, USB power alone will not operate it.

Q7 controls the hit notification LEDs. These can be identified on the bottom of the board on the APPLE connector, they are labelled Hit LED.

Q8 controls the recoil/airsoft motor. These are are the NEG/POS terminals on the RECOIL connector.

These obviously use different plugs than the standard light outputs, and the polarity may be different, so be careful when testing.

Here is yet another sketch, this will blink all MOSFETS Q1 through Q8 slowly.
(8.61 kB ~ Downloads: 519)
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Re: Lights did not work
« Reply #13 on: July 15, 2017, 03:51:19 PM »
i will use this for testing next week.
I am able to solder SMD and have the right equipment to exchange the wrong Mosfet.

Only driving, Sound and Turret is functional = 50% of the Controlbaord
I think this is a big Problem for HK.
They have to take back the TCB and refund the cost...


Offline LukeZ

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Re: Lights did not work
« Reply #14 on: July 15, 2017, 04:01:38 PM »
From your photo the MOSFETs appear larger than IRLML2502. If you have calipers can you check dimension "E"? They look wider than 1.4mm to me.

You can also see if you can identify the markings and compare them against the datasheet.

Edit: You can compare to the visual dimensions of these MOSFETS on my hand assembled prototype. Excuse the lint!
Lights did not work IRLML2502_Dimensions.jpg
Views: 976
Lights did not work IRLML2502_Markings.png
Views: 954
Lights did not work MOSFET_Size.jpg
Views: 941
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