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Sounds lacking what else can I do
« on: February 12, 2022, 07:06:51 AM »

Not sure if the correct forum so please move if not.

In the 1/6 king tiger i have a benedini mini with 2x60w amplifier running from 24v and a pr of good 5" speakers (JBL) in an enclosure to improve the sound.

I find the sound lacking although better than the old speakers with no box, Ive tested using multiple different speaker configurations and none are amazing.

The benedini sound files are OK but things like startup are too fast and the gun shots are not great.

Any suggestions on how to improve the sounds? Im thinking custom sound files but cant find any suitable sounds. Or change sound card to an alternative.

Any ideas appreciated.


Offline LukeZ

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Re: Sounds lacking what else can I do
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2022, 08:27:51 AM »
Good sounds are always a challenge. You might have better luck asking on one of the more mainstream RC tank forums if anyone has some sound files they'd be willing to share.

You could give Rad Schuhart's King Tiger sounds a try, you can download them here. He made them for the Open Panzer sound card but you can use any sounds you want with your Benedini. You will need to resample them to the format that Benedini accepts, I believe that is 16Bit, 22050Hz. But you should be able to do that in a free program like Audacity.
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Re: Sounds lacking what else can I do
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2022, 09:28:24 AM »

Thanks, I have looked at that file and audacity but i can only get it to a 16bit WAV. Ill look again.


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Re: Sounds lacking what else can I do
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2022, 11:24:31 AM »
There's an option in the bottom left of the Audacity screen called "Project Rate (Hz)"

Change that to 22,050 and then export the sound file, I think that should resample it.
Sounds lacking what else can I do AudacityResample.jpg
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Re: Sounds lacking what else can I do
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2022, 11:29:18 AM »
Actually we also need to reformat to 16 bit, see the screenshot below.
Sounds lacking what else can I do Audacity_Bitrate.jpg
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Re: Sounds lacking what else can I do
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2022, 12:23:41 PM »
Luke Audacity will export to 16 bit but Benedini needs 8bit or I think it does. Will check tomorrow when I can upload to tank.


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Re: Sounds lacking what else can I do
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2022, 02:34:25 PM »
You're right, it looks like only TBS Flash v4.0 with the Mini V2 selected will accept 16 bit audio. For the original TBS Mini (v1) or versions of Flash older than v4 it needs to be 8 bit.

However you can still convert to 8 bit even in Audacity. After you've loaded your file and changed the Project Rate, go to File->Export->Export Audio. Then under the drop-down labeled "Save as type" select "Other uncompressed files." This will give you a few more options that appear below. Set Header to "WAV" and Encoding to "Unsigned 8-bit PCM"

That seems to work, but the issue you may encounter is that there is not much space on the original TBS Mini and Rad's files are very long, so you will probably fill up the whole sound card with just a couple sounds. In other words it seems as if you'd have to use the Benedini Mini V2 anyway for its increased memory size.
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Re: Sounds lacking what else can I do
« Reply #7 on: February 12, 2022, 03:42:26 PM »

I can also swap my mini from the king tiger for the v2 that’s in the t34 so 16 bit is ok.

I’ll try it and report back.

Re: Sounds lacking what else can I do
« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2022, 12:40:01 PM »
Spend the whole day trying to sort this out.

Save sound files to 8bit 22050 in Audacity works.

We now have sound files uploaded and working, but not impressive, different yes, better not so sure its better. I cannot get the transitions to work, engine start to idle and idle to running etc just don't flow correctly. How do they work on the OP sound card?

Ill spend some more time on this, but think I'm lost.

On a plus point I have a really good working muzzle flash using 12v LED indicator bulbs from a car wired to a 5v triggered relay that switches through the Aux output on the TCB the 12v input from the tank. Gave it a 400ms time and looks really good.


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Re: Sounds lacking what else can I do
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2022, 08:59:46 AM »
On the OP sound card the engine running sounds change from one to the next with a brief transition where the two sounds are overlapped and the previous sound is faded out while the next sound is faded in. I suspect the Benedini uses a more abrupt transition.

The challenge with good sound has always been the availability of good sound files, and in my personal experience I have never heard anything that sounds really wonderful especially at 1/16 scale.
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