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Offline Ncartmell

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  • Poulton-Le-Fylde, Lancashire. UK
No Cannon firing
« on: December 18, 2020, 10:11:33 AM »

Finally got around to fixing my Heng Long Panther, the RX-13 died a few years ago.

So rewired completely for TCB, bought a replacement airsoft with the switch and a Taigen Panzer III sound module.

Finally got most things working, so many settings  ;D.

The cannon however does not work no matter what I try.

Airsoft enabled/disabled etc etc

I know the AUX switches work as both MG leds operate.

Any advice?

I have attached my config file.

As a note the radio is a Graupner/JR MX-12 with a modified R700 receiver.

Additionally when I fire the MG the tank comes an abrupt halt.

Best regards


PS I will eventually get around to finalizing the code for the homebrew Scout.
TCB-2 with R700-2.opz
(23.65 kB ~ Downloads: 324)


Offline LukeZ

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Re: No Cannon firing
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2020, 09:16:14 PM »
Hi Neil, the one thing I see off the bat is that you have both the cannon fire and machine gun fire commands assigned to Aux Channel 2 Position 2.

I'm not able to test right at this moment but I'm assuming there is a conflict when it tries to fire both at the same instant.

I often put cannon and machine gun on the same physical switch, but this really works better with a 3-position switch, rather than a 2 position as you have done it. Your transmitter has some 3-position switches so you may want to use one of those. The setup would then be:

Position 1: Machine gun fire
Position 2: Machine gun stop (this will be the middle position of the switch)
Position 3: Cannon fire

In this way, when the switch is in the middle position nothing happens. When you flip the switch one direction the machine gun fires, when you flip it the other direction the cannon fires. If you don't like the direction that you have to move the switch just flip position 1 and 3 or else reverse the channel.

This may or may not fix your issue but I'd give it a try and see.
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Offline Ncartmell

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  • Poulton-Le-Fylde, Lancashire. UK
Re: No Cannon firing
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2020, 04:14:53 AM »
Hello Luke,

I should have said more on initial post.

I tried both Aux switches, Input A and Turret to fire the Cannon to no avail.

The final test was to put the second MG on with the Cannon to make sure the TCB was reading correctly.

I should have also said I downloaded/loaded the latest TCB firmware prior to all this testing.

This morning tried again.

Firstly set main MG for Aux 1, 2 and Input A and all worked.

Set up Cannon again for Aux 2, again no function.

So I did a Snoop which revealed something interesting.

See below

<- 31|31|0|-28996
Radio Ready - PPM

FIRMWARE VERSION: 0.93.70 (EEPROM Size: 481)

Stick       Min    Center   Max    Deadband  Reversed
Throttle   1084    1535     1905    15        FALSE
Turn       1089    1498     1911    25        FALSE
Elevation  1118    1498     1879    15        FALSE
Azimuth    1133    1509     1895    15        TRUE

Aux Chan.   Min     Max     Type
1           1087    1911    Digital
2           1086    1683    Digital
3           1483    1512    Analog
4           1485    1514    Analog
5           IGNORED
6           IGNORED
7           IGNORED
8           IGNORED
9           NOT DETECTED
10          NOT DETECTED
11          NOT DETECTED
12          NOT DETECTED
Channels detected: 8
Channels utilized: 8

Drive Motors:      Servo/ESC
Turret Rotation:   Onboard Motor Driver (A)
Barrel Elevation:  Onboard Motor Driver (B)
Mechanical Barrel: Airsoft (Disabled)

Vehicle Type:           Tank
Active Driving Profile: 1
Accel Ramp Enabled:     Yes (Level: 1, Preset: None)
Decel Ramp Enabled:     Yes (Level: 1, Preset: None)
Motor Nudge Enabled:    Yes (30% throttle for 500 ms)
Forward Speed Limited:  No
Reverse Speed Limited:  Yes - 70%
Transmission Type:      Automatic
Shift Time:             0.5 sec
Engine Pause Time:      0.5 sec
Transmission Delay:     0.5 sec
Neutral Turn Allowed:   Yes - 50%
Turn Mode:              2
Track Recoil Enabled:   No

Turret Rotation Speed Limited:  No
Barrel Elevation Speed Limited: No
Recoil delay:                   No

Smoker output controlled manually

IR & Tank Battling Disabled

Sound card: Taigen Sound Card

Turret stick functions: Yes
Turret movement delay:  0.35 sec
Turret Stick - Top Right      -> Function #2   - Engine - Turn On
Turret Stick - Top Right      -> Function #17  - Light 1 (Headlights) - Turn On
Turret Stick - Bottom Right   -> Function #18  - Light 1 (Headlights) - Turn Off
External Input A - On         -> Function #11  - Machine Gun - Fire
External Input A - Off        -> Function #12  - Machine Gun - Stop
Aux Channel  1 - Pos 2 (of 2) -> Function #11  - Machine Gun - Fire
Aux Channel  1 - Pos 1 (of 2) -> Function #12  - Machine Gun - Stop
Aux Channel  2 - Pos 2 (of 2) -> Function #7   - Cannon Fire
Turret Stick - Bottom Right   -> Function #3   - Engine - Turn Off

Battery Detected: Yes
Voltage:          7.98v
LVC Enabled:      Yes (6.4v cutoff)

USB Serial Baud:   115200
Motor Serial Baud: 38400
Aux Serial Baud:   115200
Serial 3 Tx Baud:  38400

MG Stop
MG Stop
Turn Engine On
Light 1 On
Engage Transmission
MG Start
MG Stop
MG Start
MG Stop
Fire Repair Signal
Disengage Transmission
Health Level: 100%
Engage Transmission
Light 1 Off

Turn Engine Off
Turn Engine On
Light 1 On
Engage Transmission
Light 1 Off
Turn Engine Off

I did a couple of MG fire, which were OK followed by Cannon fire which reported
Fire Repair Signal
Disengage Transmission

Then a short time later
Health Level: 100%

Which is not what I would have expected.

I reloaded the firmware with the exact same results.

Is there a Firmware issue?

I believe my Radio is OK as I can function all sticks and switches correctly.

I have a second TCB which I can try but this has the same firmware.

Best Regards



Offline LukeZ

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Re: No Cannon firing
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2020, 12:56:55 PM »
If it is firing the repair signal then you probably have the Fight/Repair switch on the TCB set to Repair, move it to the Fight position.

Also, note that Input A is for a physical switch attached to the TCB, not a switch on your transmitter. I doubt this is what you want, setup your functions so they are assigned to transmitter triggers.
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Offline Ncartmell

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  • Poulton-Le-Fylde, Lancashire. UK
Re: No Cannon firing
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2020, 07:26:36 AM »
Hello Luke,

Eureka, many thanks. ;D

Also apologies I should have paid more attention to the wiki.

In my defence, I glanced over the F/R switch as it mentioned IR and I am not going to use IR.

Also I was using I/P A to remove the the radio from the investigation as it is a direct input to the TCB, it will be used to turn the Airsoft on.




Offline LukeZ

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Re: No Cannon firing
« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2020, 01:29:48 AM »
I'm glad it works! And don't worry, I have had many head-scratching moments myself when I forgot to check that very switch.

Using one of the external inputs to enable/disable airsoft is a perfectly good use. Just wanted to make sure you knew what you were doing but I see you do! Sometimes you don't need to control something from the transmitter, just a little switch somewhere on the model is fine, and that is exactly the sort of thing those inputs were designed for.
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