I’m wondering if there may have been changes made to the Arduino IDE which somehow altered the manner in which the code compiles. It may be hard to see in the screenshot- I am using version 1.8.13 of the Arduino IDE.
Hello, new bloke here!I designed my own Arduino powered tank battle system a while back, great to see this project! I did a cut down version like this specific part to run a Panzerturm... This runs a servo for a random time, fires the cannon then rests for a reload period and starts again. Adds an interesting feature to the battleground! I have also designed my own tank sound system which works pretty well.Here's a video of the Panzerturm during dev....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LaTYOzBSGUoDrew.
Luke- I have attached the platform.txt files for both my 1.8.13 and 1.8.5 IDE's.
I am happy to inform you that I am now able to compile the TankIR sketch with it working on both sending and receiving IR shells (screenshot attached to unnecessarily provide proof). I went ahead and uninstalled the Arduino IDE on my other laptop (laptop B) and reinstalled it letting it choose the install directory and use all default settings. The compiler reported:“Sketch uses 24284 bytes (75%) of program storage space. Maximum is 32256 bytes.Global variables use 1462 bytes (71%) of dynamic memory, leaving 586 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 2048 bytes.”The net result of all of this is: TankIR needs to compile on Arduino IDE 1.8.5 with the installation being done using all default settings. I'm thinking that there were enough changes made to the compiler between 1.8.5 and 1.8.13 that the memory usage became much greater and the resulting low memory disallows properly registering a (Tamiya 1/35th) IR shell hit.
From my side I got what is probably the more difficult part of the ATTiny85 battle system working. It is now able to successfully fire an IR round at my Tamiya 1/35th Panther and have it cause damage. I've included a .zip file of the video I shot of the circuit in action and also included some pictures of the breadboarded circuit. I cannot say “Thanks” enough to Luke for his help. Although the code for the ATTiny85 doesn’t include any code from the TankIR implementation it was Lukes sharing his knowledge of the Tamiya 1/35th IR protocol which made it possible. I’m still a relative newb as far as forum etiquette goes. I’m thinking this ATTiny project should perhaps be moved to it’s own topic, if it even belongs on OpenPanzer at all as it’s not an OpenPanzer offering. I’d welcome a response from anyone reading this who may provide some enlightenment to me.
Hi Eric, I'm back but still in the process of digging out from the backlog of emails and stuff at my job, so I have not gotten much work done but I can at least respond to your posts! I checked out the two platform files you posted and I really don't see any differences in the relevant sections, but it was worth the check.
...there definitely is something weird going on because the same code should really compile to roughly the same size and in this case the difference between IDEs is not even close. I will need to do some more research and probably post a help request over at the Arduino forums, but I really would like to get to the bottom of this. Whenever I do, I will report back here what I find.
...then I agree a dedicated thread in this same subforum would be a good idea, ...
Joe- Your 1/10th scale Tatra is an impressive build. It sounds like you enjoy the creative process, both from the electrical and mechanical standpoints. I’d be curious to know your impressions Ender 5- Eric
However there definitely is something weird going on because the same code should really compile to roughly the same size and in this case the difference between IDEs is not even close. I will need to do some more research and probably post a help request over at the Arduino forums, but I really would like to get to the bottom of this. Whenever I do, I will report back here what I find.