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Offline NS-21

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I don't have very much time right now but I will write you a better response this weekend.

LukeZ! You drive me into paint and I am terribly ashamed!

I am patiently waiting, I have known for a long time that you have a lot of work, it can be seen with the naked eye.
(if a person appears on the forum and spends enough time just to read - I know from my own experience that he is heavily loaded with work).
I also know that we have different time zones.
I still have something to do, waiting for an answer. I also translate the wiki.


Offline LukeZ

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LukeZ! You drive me into paint and I am terribly ashamed!
Please don't be! :D I am happy to help, only sometimes I am slower than others!

I have already translated the program by 90% (I also need to translate the pictures), now I am looking for all msgBox for their translation, and I cannot understand where they are such variables \ labels:
1. Not connected
2. Connected to COM3 (115200) TCB Firmware 0.93.74
3. When there is a call to the function of resetting the entered settings in the program to default values ​​- I can not understand where the data for translating the Yes \ No buttons is located

  • See function "MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent)" and "MainWindow::SerialStatus_SetNotConnected()" in file "mainwindow.cpp"
  • See function "MainWindow::SerialStatus_displayHardware(uint8_t hardware)" in file "mainwindow.cpp"
  • The values like "Yes", "No", "Ok" are actually created by Qt so that is why you don't see them in the code. It appears it is possible to change them but as with everything related to Qt, it does not look very simple. I did a little bit of Googling and decided I will let you pursue it. ;) But here is a Google search with lots of potentially useful results, and here is some Qt Internationalization documentation (it's for Qt 4.8 but might still be applicable).

4. I also probably found a bug in Qt. More details:

I installed hot keys on the program menu functions, as it is very convenient when configuring the board - load with two buttons - read the settings from the board, save to the OPZ file.

On the menu function "Import settings" I have set the group of buttons Ctrl + I. In the mainwindow.ui file open in the development environment, I see with my own eyes that the group of buttons is set to Ctrl + I.

But when I build the project and run it from the relase folder, I get the result as in the picture. The hotkeys for this item are set to Ctrl + O.

In principle, I can ignore it, but my inner perfectionist gnaws at my heels.
Most likely your settings in mainwindow.ui are getting over-written by the code because I set these shortcuts in the actual code. See the function "MainWindow::initActionsConnections()" in the file "mainwindow.cpp"
For example, you will want to change:
Code: [Select]
ui->actionOpenFile->setShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_O));to
Code: [Select]
ui->actionOpenFile->setShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_I));

Also need to study Github, and here is this point with tracking changes. I suspected there were features like comparing versions and showing changes. I guess that Github is most likely arranged like a Wiki, most likely it is impossible to break-harm, but I don't want to disgrace myself ^ _ ^
Well you can't break anything on the Open Panzer GitHub so feel free to look at it as much as you want. But you will probably want to create your own GitHub repository and it will certainly be possible to break your own! But you have a backup on your computer until you figure out how it all works.

Ok! I will write another post shortly with information about InnoSetup.
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Offline LukeZ

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Here is some information on creating an installation package.

First, you will need the InnoSetup program. I am using version 6.0.2 and they have a more recent version now, but I assume it will still work.

Then download this Zip file. It is too big to attach to this post so you will have to right-click on this link and select "Save link as" to save it to your computer:

When you unzip the file you will see has two subfolders and an ".iss" file:
  • Sub folder "InnoExtraFiles": this has some images used for the installation program, you don't need to change anything.
  • Sub folder "install_files_QT54": this has all the necessary files from the OP Config that will become part of the installation package. When you compile a new version from the Qt IDE, you will need to find the build directory that Qt creates (you can find the path in the Projects section of the Qt IDE, see attached picture). In this directory look for the "release" folder and find the file called "OPConfig.exe". Now you want to copy that exe file to "..\OPConfig_InstallPackage\install_files_QT54\install_files_QT54\" folder (and overwrite the old OPConfig.exe that is in there already). If you have updated the help files, you will also need to put a copy of the new ".qch" and ".qhc" files in the "...\OPConfig_InstallPackage\install_files_QT54\assistant\help_files\" folder, you can do this manually or the batch file I mentioned a few days ago will do it for you if you have set the correct paths. All the other files in "install_files_QT54\" you can leave as they are.
  • Ok, now you are ready to create the installation package. Open the "OPConfig_QT54.iss" file with InnoSetup (you can just double-click on it). You will see that it is a script file. You don't need to do much with it, except look at the #define statements at the top. You will want to change the MyAppVersion to match the version you have set in Qt (in the "version.h" file). You will also want to adjust the two paths called "SourceFiles" and "FinalOutputDir" but you will only have to do this once.
  • Now click the Compile button and the Inno script will run for a few minutes. When it is done a file called "OPConfig_Setup.exe" should appear in whatever folder you specified for "FinalOutputDir." This is the installation package that will allow you or anyone else to install OP Config on their computer.
I know the information I have given you so far has not been very detailed and there are a lot of things you have had to learn on your own. So don't hesitate to let me know if you have more questions.

When I was teaching myself all this Qt stuff it was like learning a foreign language. But you are learning this foreign language in a foreign language! Honestly I am amazed at how far you have come.
Setting up a software development environment and other random experiments Qt_BuildDirectory.jpg
Views: 2608
Setting up a software development environment and other random experiments ISS_Script.jpg
Views: 1507
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