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Offline johnnyvd

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Re: Asiatam FAMO SdKfz. 9
« Reply #15 on: March 20, 2018, 05:05:00 AM »
Thanks Luke,

Call me stupid, but i completely forgot completely about the GP I/O connections.. My head was with the servo and motor drive outputs....

Then something interesting: Asiatam is selling the FAMO kit again!

Famo kit on ebay
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Offline LukeZ

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Re: Asiatam FAMO SdKfz. 9
« Reply #16 on: March 20, 2018, 10:45:57 AM »
No, don't tempt me!
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Offline johnnyvd

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Re: Asiatam FAMO SdKfz. 9
« Reply #17 on: March 27, 2018, 03:45:38 PM »
Then in OP Config on the Lights & IO tab set the general purpose I/O A or B (whichever one you're using) to Direction = Output and Type = probably Default Low but you might have to experiment, that's where the documentation for the device would be useful. Then assign some trigger to the appropriate function to control it.

Luke, i managed to get the relay connected and switched by the "smoker on/off" switch i assigned (aux 5 in my case) but i now have a problem: The smoker starts when "engine starts" but i don't have a way to switch the External output on the trigger when the TCB starts the smoker..

So now i have a switch that enables/disables the smoker, but this switch only sets the condition for the TCB to NOT start the smoker when engine is starting.. I do not have a trigger to let this event also switch the relay of the heater element of the smoker..

Do you understand what i mean?
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Offline LukeZ

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Re: Asiatam FAMO SdKfz. 9
« Reply #18 on: March 27, 2018, 04:09:30 PM »
If I recall correctly, you are letting the TCB control the smoker fan as usual: "Auto (with engine speed)." So there is no need to enable/disable the smoker, let the TCB handle it.

What you wanted was to have the heating element come on at full strength (rather than proportional) whenever the smoker was active. You are using a relay to control the heating element. Since the smoker will automatically come on whenever the engine is turned on, you should assign the same trigger source you use to turn your engine on/off to also control the relay (you can assign more than one function to the same trigger).

Let's say you have Switch X on your transmitter that is assigned to the Engine Turn On and Engine Turn Off functions. Just assign the same Switch X to the External Output Turn On and Turn Off functions. When you turn on the engine you will also turn on the heating element, and as for the smoker fan the TCB will handle that automatically when the engine is turned on.

If I've misunderstood your setup maybe try to explain it again.
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Offline johnnyvd

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Re: Asiatam FAMO SdKfz. 9
« Reply #19 on: March 27, 2018, 05:13:48 PM »
100% correct.. And i completely understand that i could just let the TCB handle all smoker related stuff..

But smokers consume a lot of current, and sometimes you don't want the smoker to be on at all..

So, an option would be to install a mechanical switch to turn off the smoker completely, but i hoped it would be possible with the "smoker off" event..
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Offline LukeZ

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Re: Asiatam FAMO SdKfz. 9
« Reply #20 on: March 27, 2018, 05:37:14 PM »
Ok, I will think through this out loud. First we start with the setup I just described, this takes care of the smoker and heater element in normal operation.

Then, to manually disable both the smoker and heater at will, assign a switch on your transmitter to the Smoker Enable / Disable functions, and assign that same switch to the heater relay on/off functions.

But I suppose this wouldn't work entirely very well. When the smoker is manually disabled the fan will not turn on regardless of the engine status, because the TCB knows that you have disabled the smoker functionality. But the TCB has no clue that your relay is also related to the smoker. The heater element will always turn on when the engine is turned on, because that is a trigger you have defined, and you would have to always remember to manually toggle the smoker disable switch after the engine is started in order to turn the element back off. That sounds like a recipe for forgetting and burning out your heating element.

This is probably what you were trying to explain to me originally which I have only just now understood.

So yeah, this gets complicated and although we have solved the issue of automatically turning on a heating element to full power, when you try to combine that with an at-will disabling of the smoker functionality, we run up against some limitations. I believe you could actually solve this problem with some programming in your radio transmitter if yours allows it, but I will leave that up to you...

Otherwise it would seem we have reached some limitations of what the TCB can do. We have gotten rather far afield from the original design parameters so that is to be expected. To resolve this would require some changes to firmware and off the top of my head I'm not sure even exactly how it would best be accomplished. Because this is such an esoteric use case I will probably not be inclined to pursue it though I will at least give it some thought while I'm trying to fall asleep tonight.
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Offline LukeZ

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Re: Asiatam FAMO SdKfz. 9
« Reply #21 on: April 08, 2018, 02:06:06 PM »
Johnny, just FYI in the latest firmware release posted yesterday I've included new "digital" functions for turning on/off the Motor A or B outputs. If these outputs are not being used for the turret control, you could use these new functions to create in essence high current digital switches (up to 2 amps per output), voltage equal to battery voltage. If your heating element for example drew less than 2 amps you could use one of these outputs and save yourself the extra wiring of a relay.

I know that doesn't solve your latest issue but thought I'd mention it as an alternative for anyone considering a relay for their project.
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Offline johnnyvd

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Re: Asiatam FAMO SdKfz. 9
« Reply #22 on: April 09, 2018, 05:49:16 PM »
Thanks Luke, i saw it mentioned in the release announcement.

but i decided to drop the relay thing altogether. The whole project already became a real wiring "hell" so for sake of simplicity i dropped the extra wiring and leave the smoker completely to the TCB.

Now for the progress, I made some nice access hatches in the side for on/off switch and charger plug. Which can be closed with a wee little handle. Also some matching cargo hatch hooks..

Asiatam FAMO SdKfz. 9 IMG-20180326-WA0004.jpg
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Asiatam FAMO SdKfz. 9 IMG-20180326-WA0002.jpg
Views: 1963
Asiatam FAMO SdKfz. 9 IMG-20180326-WA0000.jpg
Views: 1850
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Offline johnnyvd

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Re: Asiatam FAMO SdKfz. 9
« Reply #23 on: April 09, 2018, 05:59:20 PM »
And of course i tidied up all cable routing so everything would fit nicely under the cargo bed..
I also closed the gearbox to keep the cables getting mangled between the gears.
Asiatam FAMO SdKfz. 9 IMG-20180409-WA0005.jpg
Views: 2013
Asiatam FAMO SdKfz. 9 20180410_000535.jpg
Views: 2040
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Offline LukeZ

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Re: Asiatam FAMO SdKfz. 9
« Reply #24 on: April 09, 2018, 09:06:03 PM »
It's nice to see some build photos of this unique model, which are not very common. Your friend is very lucky for you to be doing all this work for him!
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Offline johnnyvd

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Re: Asiatam FAMO SdKfz. 9
« Reply #25 on: April 19, 2018, 04:08:43 PM »
Did some small airbrush tests to check what colour seat would fit the best.. Decided on reddish..
Asiatam FAMO SdKfz. 9 IMG-20180412-WA0008.jpg
Views: 1432
Asiatam FAMO SdKfz. 9 IMG-20180412-WA0012.jpg
Views: 1414
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Offline johnnyvd

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Re: Asiatam FAMO SdKfz. 9
« Reply #26 on: April 19, 2018, 04:11:21 PM »
And the biggest challenge was that the owner of the FAMO wants the hood-flaps opening when the engine starts.. Printed a nice 3D frame to fit dual servo's underneath..
Asiatam FAMO SdKfz. 9 IMG-20180412-WA0001.jpg
Views: 1480
Asiatam FAMO SdKfz. 9 IMG-20180411-WA0003.jpg
Views: 1422
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Offline johnnyvd

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Re: Asiatam FAMO SdKfz. 9
« Reply #27 on: April 19, 2018, 04:16:49 PM »
And today i finally finished the bugger and crammed all the stuff underneath the bed.. Did some last tuning and changing settings for the sound.. And now begins my favorite bit... Painting!

First started with de-greasing the whole thing and masking some parts.. Then pre-shading with black primer from Vallejo..
Asiatam FAMO SdKfz. 9 IMG-20180419-WA0006.jpg
Views: 1550
Asiatam FAMO SdKfz. 9 IMG-20180419-WA0008.jpg
Views: 1545
Asiatam FAMO SdKfz. 9 20180419_183525.jpg
Views: 1355
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Offline johnnyvd

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Re: Asiatam FAMO SdKfz. 9
« Reply #28 on: April 25, 2018, 05:07:41 PM »
Yesterday started to airbrush the FAMO with the MIG modulation set for Panzergrau.. 4 layers in all and with final highlights.
Asiatam FAMO SdKfz. 9 20180422_233416.jpg
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Asiatam FAMO SdKfz. 9 20180422_233437.jpg
Views: 1362
Asiatam FAMO SdKfz. 9 20180422_233521.jpg
Views: 1408
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Offline johnnyvd

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Re: Asiatam FAMO SdKfz. 9
« Reply #29 on: April 25, 2018, 05:11:01 PM »
And today dirt, grime, damage and details. Added a lot of dust and dirt in the bed and in the cabin (those germans with their dirty boots  ;D) But kept rust and chipping to a minimum as per request of the owner  ;)
Asiatam FAMO SdKfz. 9 IMG-20180425-WA0023.jpg
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Asiatam FAMO SdKfz. 9 IMG-20180425-WA0004.jpg
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Asiatam FAMO SdKfz. 9 20180425_205525.jpg
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Asiatam FAMO SdKfz. 9 IMG-20180425-WA0019.jpg
Views: 1399
Asiatam FAMO SdKfz. 9 20180425_151253.jpg
Views: 1453
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