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TCB Dev / Re: Sabretoth esc with arduino Mega
« Last post by skb6666 on November 27, 2023, 08:03:14 AM »
Thanks, that great  :D
TCB Dev / Re: Sabretoth esc with arduino Mega
« Last post by LukeZ on November 27, 2023, 07:09:48 AM »
You can use any ESC that you want, the Sabertooth is not required.
TCB Dev / Sabretoth esc with arduino Mega
« Last post by skb6666 on November 27, 2023, 04:27:31 AM »

Can see some post with the mega board and the sabretooth esc, do you have to use the sabretooth esc or can you use the normal esc. If you have to use the sabretooth esc which model board is the best option.
Show and Tell / Re: HL T34 with tcb
« Last post by LukeZ on November 22, 2023, 08:20:46 AM »
Good work, and that's with two speed controllers and the bulky OP sound card. You've even kept the wiring very clean!
Show and Tell / HL T34 with tcb
« Last post by rockchuck on November 20, 2023, 03:28:46 AM »
just some pics to show you can fit a lot into a T34 with a bit of planning

Other Open Source Projects / Re: Standalone Tank IR
« Last post by LukeZ on October 27, 2023, 02:10:38 PM »
I'm glad to have helped!
Other Open Source Projects / Re: Standalone Tank IR
« Last post by Rongyos on October 27, 2023, 02:06:20 PM »

Let me know if it works!

You are the MVP! The second one is jumper_on state :)

Other Open Source Projects / Re: Standalone Tank IR
« Last post by LukeZ on October 27, 2023, 11:15:38 AM »
Hi Rongyos,

This should be easy to do. You have the right idea. Try putting this code in the setup() routine of TankIR.ino, after the "RECOIL SERVO DEFINITION" and just before the "BATTLE SETTINGS" section (in other words, somewhere around line 139)

Code: [Select]
#define pin_WeightJumper   7
unsigned char WC;

pinMode(pin_WeightJumper, INPUT_PULLUP);

if (digitalRead(pin_WeightJumper) == LOW)
    WC = WC_HEAVY;

Next, in the "BATTLE SETTINGS" section just below you just need to set BattleSettings.WeightClass to our new variable WC (replacing the WEIGHT_CLASS that was there before). This is currently at line 145:
Code: [Select]
    BattleSettings.WeightClass = WC;

The check will only occur once at startup, in other words, if you change the jumper after the board has power the code won't do anything, you will have to reboot before it checks again.

Let me know if it works!
Other Open Source Projects / Re: Standalone Tank IR
« Last post by Rongyos on October 26, 2023, 02:52:33 PM »
Hi everybody!

I am stuck on modifying the code and cannot figure it out, I ask assistance:

I want to actively modify the WEIGHT CLASS value with a jumper which connect the pin D7 and GND (I defined the pin and pinMode as input_pullup) but cannot do so much stuff. I know the setup is in the begin() function so I dont want to modify the value of weight class during the loop.
Can you please help me where should I put a code like this? I am lost in the lot libraries :(
Just a draft, IDK what I am doing right now :(
Code: [Select]
  if (jumperState == LOW) {
  } else {

Thank you for your help.
TCB Dev / Re: TCB Firmware with Stock Arduino Mega
« Last post by LukeZ on September 04, 2023, 01:48:56 PM »
Hi Sub, sorry for the slow reply. I would have guessed the voltage regulator as well, but you discovered it yourself. Good work, and thanks for reporting back.

I remember reading somewhere that some of the Chinese Arduino boards use voltage regulators which have a lower current rating than what they claim in the specifications. At higher currents, this could cause the thermal shutoff that you theorize. And the higher the input voltage that the regulator has to drop to 5 volts, the more current and heat will be created. This might explain why yours worked with a lower voltage battery but not with a higher voltage battery.

In your case it seems like the regulator worked for a long time but slowly began to fail. I guess it was just a poor quality part. I agree, hopefully this information will be useful to others.
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