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Other Open Source Projects / Re: Standalone Tank IR
« Last post by Rongyos on May 16, 2024, 01:57:29 PM »
Hi Luke!

Can you help me please?

The new design board finally arrived (the first shipment lost) and I put it together. Every function works like charm except the servo :(
I assume it is a power issue but you please take a look on the schematic? The Taigen MFU provides 7.1 - 7.2 volts constant and I drive the relay, IR receiver and servo with a LM7805 IC (datasheet here). 1uf capacitor on the IN and 0.1uf on the OUT.

The servo makes very low buzzing noise but the full stuff (arduino) stops when I plug in the servo. If servo is not attached, then everything works fine.

Thank you for your kind help

A solved the problem, unfortunatelly I just realized that the CN2 connector of Taigen MFU cannot provide sufficient current for the servos. I connected the power line to the battery (after a switch) and removed the R4 resistor so now the arduino receives LOW value during firing airsoft.

Now everything works :)

Show and Tell / Re: WH.TKSZ-16S
« Last post by LukeZ on February 08, 2024, 12:16:24 PM »
Well "no harm, no foul" as we say in English, though I'm not sure it can be translated to German. Maybe "Hilft nix, schadet nix"?

On the other hand Jürgen is right that it doesn't really fit the subject of this forum, and while the product may be interesting, there would be more discussion if it was posted in one of the other general purpose tank forums (RC Universe, RC Tank Warfare, RC Modellbau, etc).

I was unable to find any instructions or information on this new board. I sometimes wonder if the Chinese have gotten around yet to copying portions of the Open Panzer firmware, since it would be very easy to do. What would be interesting, and also very relevant to this forum, is if we ever found a Chinese board that seemed to have done so, and especially if they released a board with an ATmega processor. In that case it would be possible for us to hack it, and from a hardware point of view, they would probably make something even better than the TCB (given they are likely to include drive motor control and sound all in one board).

For some companies, having the Chinese clone their products is not a happy event, but in the cae of the Open Panzer project it would be welcomed, since otherwise we have no access to hardware. So far I have not seen such a thing, but if anyone notices one please let us know!

Show and Tell / Re: WH.TKSZ-16S
« Last post by jhamm on February 07, 2024, 12:27:18 PM »
Ich sehe Dieses Forum Als OFFEN an

Selten solch einen blödsinn gelsen.....

Du hast im faslchen Bereich gepostet, hier geht es um Modelle mit Open Panzer TCB - jetzt verstanden?
Show and Tell / Re: WH.TKSZ-16S
« Last post by kettenpaul on February 07, 2024, 11:38:17 AM »
Diese soll nur eine Info sein. Und wenn geschrieben wird , es gibt auch Elmod oder Beier ,Tamiya .... Dann schreibe ich, es gibt auch WH.TKSZ-16S.
Es kann ja sein das andere Leute es auch interessant finden.
Leider gibt es ja keinen Verkauf von OPEN PANZER.
Ich sehe Dieses Forum Als OFFEN an

Show and Tell / Re: WH.TKSZ-16S
« Last post by jhamm on February 07, 2024, 05:31:27 AM »
ich verstehe nicht was der Link zu dieser dubiosen Elektronik hier im Forum soll...
Hier geht es um darum Modelle+Projekte mit dem Open Panzer Tank Control Board zu zeigen.

190,-€ sind gewagt und sicherlich zu viel Geld für ein Experiment.
Nehm etwas bewährtes wie Beier oder Elmod.
Das gesparte Geld geht immer zu Lasten anderer, die Dir dann helfen sollen das Ding zum Laufen zu bringen.
Ein Hobby muss man sich leisten können - das macht man nicht um Geld zu sparen!
Show and Tell / Re: WH.TKSZ-16S
« Last post by FuzzyJack on February 06, 2024, 04:03:07 PM »
Run through Google translate:

“I found it by chance online. Aliexpress /WH.TKSZ-16S
It looks like it's always just one sound.

It's expensive, but if you want to build a new model!

And professional electronics engineers will definitely find a way to change the sound.”

So basically an alternate control board with specific sound sets.

Other Open Source Projects / Re: Standalone Tank IR
« Last post by LukeZ on January 26, 2024, 03:23:32 PM »
Ah, well that's interesting. Perhaps the resistors in the voltage divider are acting as a pull-up circuit that is preventing the Taigen pin from floating in a low state on startup. If so, that's great, we've solved two problems with one solution.
Other Open Source Projects / Re: Standalone Tank IR
« Last post by Rongyos on January 26, 2024, 01:14:03 PM »
Very good! I suppose that does not solve the initial firing of the cannon when the Taigen MFU first powers up.

Yes, it solved the phantom firing. :)
Also I tried the airsoft-microswitch connect to try before, but somehow thats not worked. I had to wait for the big bunch of resistors I purchased.

Other Open Source Projects / Re: Standalone Tank IR
« Last post by LukeZ on January 26, 2024, 11:30:50 AM »
Very good! I suppose that does not solve the initial firing of the cannon when the Taigen MFU first powers up. I wonder if you tried your suggestion of connecting the airsoft pin to the airsoft/recoil switch? Or is it just something that will have to be accepted and lived with?
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