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Messages - Ncartmell
« on: December 20, 2020, 07:26:36 AM »
Hello Luke, Eureka, many thanks.  Also apologies I should have paid more attention to the wiki. In my defence, I glanced over the F/R switch as it mentioned IR and I am not going to use IR. Also I was using I/P A to remove the the radio from the investigation as it is a direct input to the TCB, it will be used to turn the Airsoft on. Cheers Neil
« on: December 19, 2020, 04:14:53 AM »
Hello Luke,
I should have said more on initial post.
I tried both Aux switches, Input A and Turret to fire the Cannon to no avail.
The final test was to put the second MG on with the Cannon to make sure the TCB was reading correctly.
I should have also said I downloaded/loaded the latest TCB firmware prior to all this testing.
This morning tried again.
Firstly set main MG for Aux 1, 2 and Input A and all worked.
Set up Cannon again for Aux 2, again no function.
So I did a Snoop which revealed something interesting.
See below
<- 31|31|0|-28996 Radio Ready - PPM
--------------------------------------------- FIRMWARE VERSION: 0.93.70 (EEPROM Size: 481)
--------------------------------------------- RADIO INFO - PPM --------------------------------------------- Stick Min Center Max Deadband Reversed --------------------------------------------- Throttle 1084 1535 1905 15 FALSE Turn 1089 1498 1911 25 FALSE Elevation 1118 1498 1879 15 FALSE Azimuth 1133 1509 1895 15 TRUE
Aux Chan. Min Max Type --------------------------------------------- 1 1087 1911 Digital 2 1086 1683 Digital 3 1483 1512 Analog 4 1485 1514 Analog 5 IGNORED 6 IGNORED 7 IGNORED 8 IGNORED 9 NOT DETECTED 10 NOT DETECTED 11 NOT DETECTED 12 NOT DETECTED --------------------------------------------- Channels detected: 8 Channels utilized: 8
--------------------------------------------- MOTOR TYPES --------------------------------------------- Drive Motors: Servo/ESC Turret Rotation: Onboard Motor Driver (A) Barrel Elevation: Onboard Motor Driver (B) Mechanical Barrel: Airsoft (Disabled)
--------------------------------------------- DRIVE SETTINGS --------------------------------------------- Vehicle Type: Tank Active Driving Profile: 1 Accel Ramp Enabled: Yes (Level: 1, Preset: None) Decel Ramp Enabled: Yes (Level: 1, Preset: None) Motor Nudge Enabled: Yes (30% throttle for 500 ms) Forward Speed Limited: No Reverse Speed Limited: Yes - 70% Transmission Type: Automatic Shift Time: 0.5 sec Engine Pause Time: 0.5 sec Transmission Delay: 0.5 sec Neutral Turn Allowed: Yes - 50% Turn Mode: 2 Track Recoil Enabled: No
--------------------------------------------- TURRET SETTINGS --------------------------------------------- Turret Rotation Speed Limited: No Barrel Elevation Speed Limited: No Recoil delay: No
--------------------------------------------- SMOKER --------------------------------------------- Smoker output controlled manually
--------------------------------------------- BATTLE INFO --------------------------------------------- IR & Tank Battling Disabled
--------------------------------------------- SOUND CARD --------------------------------------------- Sound card: Taigen Sound Card
--------------------------------------------- FUNCTION TRIGGERS --------------------------------------------- Turret stick functions: Yes Turret movement delay: 0.35 sec Turret Stick - Top Right -> Function #2 - Engine - Turn On Turret Stick - Top Right -> Function #17 - Light 1 (Headlights) - Turn On Turret Stick - Bottom Right -> Function #18 - Light 1 (Headlights) - Turn Off External Input A - On -> Function #11 - Machine Gun - Fire External Input A - Off -> Function #12 - Machine Gun - Stop Aux Channel 1 - Pos 2 (of 2) -> Function #11 - Machine Gun - Fire Aux Channel 1 - Pos 1 (of 2) -> Function #12 - Machine Gun - Stop Aux Channel 2 - Pos 2 (of 2) -> Function #7 - Cannon Fire Turret Stick - Bottom Right -> Function #3 - Engine - Turn Off
--------------------------------------------- BATTERY --------------------------------------------- Battery Detected: Yes Voltage: 7.98v LVC Enabled: Yes (6.4v cutoff)
--------------------------------------------- BAUD RATES --------------------------------------------- USB Serial Baud: 115200 Motor Serial Baud: 38400 Aux Serial Baud: 115200 Serial 3 Tx Baud: 38400
--------------------------------------------- MG Stop MG Stop Turn Engine On Light 1 On Engage Transmission MG Start MG Stop MG Start MG Stop Fire Repair Signal Disengage Transmission VEHICLE REPAIR COMPLETE Health Level: 100% Engage Transmission Light 1 Off
Turn Engine Off Turn Engine On Light 1 On Engage Transmission Light 1 Off Turn Engine Off
I did a couple of MG fire, which were OK followed by Cannon fire which reported Fire Repair Signal Disengage Transmission
Then a short time later VEHICLE REPAIR COMPLETE Health Level: 100%
Which is not what I would have expected.
I reloaded the firmware with the exact same results.
Is there a Firmware issue?
I believe my Radio is OK as I can function all sticks and switches correctly.
I have a second TCB which I can try but this has the same firmware.
Best Regards
« on: December 18, 2020, 10:11:33 AM »
Hello, Finally got around to fixing my Heng Long Panther, the RX-13 died a few years ago. So rewired completely for TCB, bought a replacement airsoft with the switch and a Taigen Panzer III sound module. Finally got most things working, so many settings  . The cannon however does not work no matter what I try. Airsoft enabled/disabled etc etc I know the AUX switches work as both MG leds operate. Any advice? I have attached my config file. As a note the radio is a Graupner/JR MX-12 with a modified R700 receiver. Additionally when I fire the MG the tank comes an abrupt halt. Best regards Neil PS I will eventually get around to finalizing the code for the homebrew Scout.
« on: May 02, 2019, 07:13:56 AM »
Hello Luke,
I did consider the FAST PWM but thought as you used Phase Correct I would stick with that. Since you now mention using Fast PWM, am I correct in assuming the Phase Corect was only chosen so that you could more precisely set the PWM frequency?
I noticed the Motor_PWM_Top definition but I have commented this out as you only seemed to use this for setting ICR1 and as this is not used with Timer0 and the value of TOP is predefined as 255. Am I correct with this?
The multiplcation of the speed I did change to 2 but I am confused with the code you have shown. I had changed the code as below
{ // Serial speed commands should be 0 to 127. val = constrain(val, 0, 127);
// Now multiply by 2 to scale our speed value (from 0 to 127) to our PWM duty cycle range (0 to 255) return val * 2; }
You have an extra line which is not in the code from Github and checks for the max value if (val == 127) return 255;
Is it necessary?
It takes a while for me to understand code but I normally get there, however writing from scratch is a complete no no.
Going through all the routines is interesting as I am learning quite a bit.
Best Regards
« on: April 30, 2019, 06:49:27 AM »
Hello Luke,
It has been a while but I have slowly gone through the code and I have modified to suit the COTS installation.
Pin assignments changed, fresh values for Timer0 registers and code commented out.
It compiles ok and now needs checking.
However as part of doing the changes and with references to the 328 datasheet it appears that the best (highest) PWM frequency that can be achieved from Timer0 that will work with the VNH2SP30 chips is 4KHz.
I will see what happens.
If it does not work I have a plan "B", which involves cutting 4 tracks on the UNO board and adding 4 wires which will effectively re-wire the Timer1 pins to the Timer0 pins. I have already changed the code to accomodate Plan "B". This will bring it back into line with the SCOUT PWM output wiring.
Best Regards
« on: February 21, 2019, 06:43:10 AM »
Hello Luke,
My plan was to only use the Modified Instructables code to test the UNO/Shield I have bought and also test the Scouts I made.
I also bought a Servo tester which proved the Scouts were faulty and not the Radio/TCB setup.
The Scouts perfom as expected with the Modified Instructables code.
My aim was to modify your code to work on the COTS UNO/Shield setup.
All I need to do is remove the Fan/Address/Thermistor sections from your code and re-allocate the pin assigments.
The pin assignment is done.
The code in GITHUB appears to have been split into different files and I assume needs putting back together into one file.
OpenPanzerScout.ino FAN.ino INPUT_RC.ino INPUT_SERIAL.ino SENSORS.ino MOTOR.ino
If it works I will put the code in GITHUB (with your permission) so that other people who wish to use a SCOUT but cannot build one can go down the COTS route.
Best Regards
« on: February 20, 2019, 04:12:23 PM »
Hello Luke,
Making slow progress, I have managed to modify the Instructables code to drive a Scout using USB.
Only basic Forward, Reverse, Left, Right, Speed Up/Down and LED's On/Off.
Enough so you can test the functionality without TCB and/or Servo Tester.
Hopefully I will then be able to get my Scout's working.
I have a rough idea what is wrong with each of them.
I have made a small Vero board interface adaptor with LED's so the TCB can work with the UNO/Motor Shield.
Now to modify your code.
On Github you have a main file and then some individual smaller files.
The main file seems incomplete without the others.
So do I need all the files?
If so how are they linked?
Sorry for the dumb questions, software was my weak point and the last time I did any coding was 1987.
The total cost for the UNO, Motor Shield and Vero board will be $10
It is interesting playing with these bits.
Best Regards
« on: January 26, 2019, 08:13:08 AM »
Hello Luke,
I couldn't find my servo tester so I have ordered another, put it away safely 😂.
Whilst browsing for some more VNH2SP30 motor IC's I noticed you can buy them pre made for use as single motor boards or as a twin Arduino shield.
So I bought two singles, the shield, a micro Nano and an R3 UNO.
On Intstructables website they have a tutorial on the Nano and Shield setup with code.
So I thought if I modified your code to run on this it would be an "alternative" Scout.
Although no temp monitoring/ fan control, I will add volt sense.
However on Github I cannot see the code for the R10 scout, could you let me have a copy?
Also I will modify the "Instructables" code to run on the Scout, as you can then control it using the USB from your computer.
I have never used these "Arduino" things before also the last time I wrote code was in the late 70's and it was Fortran77, so this will be a good learning exercise.
If it all works ok I will post the build with results.
Best Regards
« on: December 30, 2018, 12:15:26 PM »
Hello Luke,
I have completed the build of two more Scout's and I just used a very small amount of paste on the pads under the IC's.
I examined them under a magnifier and I checked for "shorts" prior to powering them up, everything looked good.
Bootloader and firmware loaded ok.
Both however did not work perfectly, both motors ran but not correctly and I am puzzled.
If I number the positions on the throttle/steering joystick as follows to make explanation easier and then say which motor ran.
1 Full Forward left 2 Full Forward 3 Full Forward right 4 Left Neutral 5 Centre 6 Right Neutral 7 Full Reverse left 8 Full Reverse 9 Full Reverse right
Scout 1 (Impedance min 200k, Motor O/P's wrt to Bat +ve) 1 M1 2 M1 & M2 3 M2 4 M1 5 None 6 M2 7 M1 8 M2 9 M2
Scout 2 (Impedance min 200k) 1 M1 2 M1 3 None 4 M1 5 None 6 None 7 None 8 M2 9 M2
Scout 3 (first build, I have done continuity check and lowest impedance was 200k) 1 M1 2 M1 3 None 4 M1 5 None 6 None 7 M1 8 None 9 None
Since both motors ran for TCB's 1 & 2, the Motor IC's should be ok, could there be a component failure, wrong value, dry joint or ? Any suggestions?
Can you monitor the serial stream to see if the correct information is being sent by the TCB.
Currently I do not have a gnd connected for the serial lead but I have a Blue led.
« on: December 19, 2018, 12:30:01 PM »
Hello Luke,
I looked at the board today with a magnifier and I could see a tiny amount of solder that has squeezed from under M2, so I think your assessment is spot on.
I am glad this has happened with my first build as I will now use the mask for applying solder paste to the board but not for under the IC's.
I will attempt to remove the IC's.
At work I have access to a desoldering station to remove the connectors, I will then take advice if the Hot Air Station will be able to remove the IC's.
If this is not possible I will try the hot plate and try to lift off the IC's when the solder melts, nothing to lose as the board is non functional.
Many thanks.
Best Regards
« on: December 18, 2018, 02:34:34 PM »
Hello Luke,
Mixed results on testing the Scout, I will test Op Sound later.
All firmware appeared to load correctly.
After playing with TCB for a while I got forward movement and left forward turns on M1.
Scout has solid Blue LED so serial connection appears Ok.
No other motor control was available (M2 nothing, no reverse and No right turns).
Could you email a .opz file for just basic control with no triggers/events so that I can eliminate my inexperience with setup.
I am also suspecting my Radio, Graupner MX12 with a Corona RP6D1 (I modified for serial PPM O/P). However Red/Green LED's seem to show correct motor control on the TCB.
« on: July 23, 2018, 04:08:52 PM »
Hello Luke, Could I make a suggestion for Op Config.
Could you add another button on the left after Firmware called "Test". After selecting, this would for example, give the user buttons to test all outputs of the TCB. Discretes On/Off, Fwd, Rev, Left, etc. This would need a test config to be downloaded into the TCB, via another button.
This would enable the user to test a TCB without using Tx/Rx, it would thereby eleminate a faulty radio and user programming errors. Useful for existing installations and new TCBs.
A test page for the Scout and Op Sound would also be useful, again this would need a test setup for Op Sound.
Just a suggestion ☺
Best Regards
« on: January 22, 2018, 01:19:20 PM »
This weekend I was in a local store and they were selling small 1kW temperature controlled ovens. They were compact and had a glass door I wondered if they would be suitable for pcb build or should I stick with a hotplate.
« on: November 02, 2017, 02:37:33 AM »
Hello Luke, I was purchasing parts for the Scout and OP Sound from DigiKey and several were out of stock.
OP Sound D2 is out of stock so I was going to use the blue LED kitted from the Scout but change the current limit resistor to 560R. Also a few resistors are out of stock 10K swapped for 11k 2k2 swapped for 2k 1k swapped for 1k1 100k swapped for 110k Also BZT52C15S-FDICT-ND swapped for BZT52C15S-TPMSCT-ND Several caps out of stock but used exact value replacements.
Are these changes acceptable I do not know how critical some of the resistor values are?
Is there a reason why they are Automotive Anti Surge 1/4W?
Best Regards
« on: October 27, 2017, 01:36:08 AM »
Second picture