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Messages - Rongyos
« on: January 03, 2024, 04:21:07 PM »
Hi! @Luke: I didn't find the "myreceiverobject.getPinNum" object where the receiver pin number has to be assigned to D2 pin of Nano. Can you help me where I can get it? My receiver is not working right now. An other question. Do you know where can I get constant 5V from the Taigen V3 MFU? It seems the CN2 is only providing around 1.8V Mod.: Also when I provide 5V to my servo its little bit moving (the recoil look fine to me) when it shouldn't do that, like some kind of whitenoise Thanks and regards! Rongyos Problem again: no servo recoil (every connection is good) Problem again2: phantom cannon shot after switching on (do you remember this problem also appeared on TCB): 15:10:15.520 -> --------------------------------------------- 15:10:15.520 -> BATTLE INFO 15:10:15.520 -> --------------------------------------------- 15:10:15.564 -> Is Repair Tank? No 15:10:15.564 -> Fire Protocol: Tamiya 15:10:15.564 -> Hit Protocol 2: Heng Long 15:10:15.564 -> Repaired by: Clark Repair 15:10:15.564 -> Send MG IR Code: No 15:10:15.564 -> Accept MG Damage: No 15:10:15.564 -> Damage Profile: Tamiya Spec 15:10:15.564 -> Weight Class: Medium 15:10:15.564 -> (6 cannon hits, 5.0 sec reload, 12.0 sec recovery) 15:10:15.564 -> 15:10:15.564 -> 15:10:15.564 -> 15:10:21.556 -> Fire Cannon
« on: October 27, 2023, 02:06:20 PM »
Let me know if it works!
You are the MVP! The second one is jumper_on state
« on: October 26, 2023, 02:52:33 PM »
Hi everybody! I am stuck on modifying the code and cannot figure it out, I ask assistance: I want to actively modify the WEIGHT CLASS value with a jumper which connect the pin D7 and GND (I defined the pin and pinMode as input_pullup) but cannot do so much stuff. I know the setup is in the begin() function so I dont want to modify the value of weight class during the loop. Can you please help me where should I put a code like this? I am lost in the lot libraries  Just a draft, IDK what I am doing right now  if (jumperState == LOW) { WEIGHT_CLASS = WC_HEAVY; } else { WEIGHT_CLASS = WC_MEDIUM; }
Thank you for your help. Rongyos
« on: July 10, 2023, 02:08:38 AM »
First of all, if we reach the code you have posted, we already know that we have received a cannon hit (not a machine gun hit).
This means that we've added up all our damage and it's equal to or over 100%, therefore the tank is "destroyed" and must be disabled.
[...] I hope that helps!
Hi Luke, Yes, silly me tought that part of code is for determine if the hit is from cannon or MG. Thats why I didn't understand why cannon hit notification sent out to LEDS and not MG hit. It is now clear for me, thanks. Rongyos
« on: July 07, 2023, 04:16:24 PM »
Hi Luke! I'm just modifying the code for using relays for disconnect motors (to reduce advantages relating tamiya speed reducing function) and just dont understand the code below. After the "else" statement the HitLEDs_CannonHit object shouldn't be HitLEDs_MGHit? If yes my relay object shouldn't be there  if (DamagePct >= 100.0) { // Don't let damage go above 100% DamagePct = 100.0; // After destruction, the tank becomes inoperative for some period of time (15 seconds is the Tamiya spec - NOT the same as recovery/invulnerability time!) // After that time it will automatically recover itself. During invulnerability time, the tank can fire but is impervious to enemy fire. // Invulnerabilty time is dependent on the weight class. isDestroyed = true; TankTimer->setTimeout(DESTROYED_INOPERATIVE_TIME_mS, ResetBattle); // DESTROYED_INOPERATIVE_TIME_mS is defined in OP_BattleTimes.h // Start the destroyed light effect HitLEDs_CannonHit(); // After the cannon hit effect, because isDestroyed is true, the subsequent HitLEDs_Destroyed effect will start automatically HitRelay(); //After the cannon hit effect the relay disconnect the motors. Tank cannot move ClearHitRelay(); } else { // Flash the hit notification LEDs HitLEDs_CannonHit(); HitRelay(); ClearHitRelay(); // Start a brief invulnerability timer. Each IR signal is sent multiple times, but we only want to count // one hit per shot. For the next second after being hit, we ignore further hits TankTimer->setTimeout(HIT_FILTER_mS, EnableHitReception); Thanks and regards! Rongyos
« on: June 03, 2023, 02:27:43 PM »
I hope this looks better.
Hi Luke, Its perfect now  (the sound doesnt represent the flickering its just test. Flickering is realistic in electric starting not flywheel) Here is a video of the brake light flickering: Thanks for your efforts and quick support! Rongyos
« on: June 01, 2023, 02:18:57 PM »
Hi Rongyos,
- When the flickering is finished (the transmission engage delay has expired/your engine start sound has finished), the lights will gradually return to full brightness instead of doing so abruptly all at one.
You can let me know what you think.
Hi Luke, Sorry for the late reply I was not near my computer Honestly, the softness on the end of the flickering is too high and not realistic now. Can you lower (much much lower it) to almost nothing? Also, the flickering is almost perfect and realistic. Can you add a little bit more softness? Just a little bit  Unfortunatelly I only have TCB right now and no free arduino  Regards Rongyos[/list]
« on: May 26, 2023, 02:12:06 PM »
I think I will need to buy an Arduino and LED to do some testing at home.
You dont need to if I am here Very, very close. I think we can meet the goal if the max flickering dim is below the max dim (255) Something like this: // Here we vary the light between some lower and higher dim levels, it can go full off or full on, but also something in-between if (flickerState) analogWrite(pin_Brakelights, random(100)); // Dimmer - random value between 0 (off) and 100 (not even half brightness) else analogWrite(pin_Brakelights, [u]random(45)[/u]+180); // Brighter - random value between 180 and 255 (full on) I dont understand the first row. Why do we need 0 (full off) state? Here is the video. IRL its mutch better and looks like drop voltage flickering but It will be better with lower max value  Thanks ROngyos
« on: May 25, 2023, 02:20:22 PM »
let's see if the effect looks good on the brake output first, because it will be the same effect on the Aux output.
Hi Luke, Thanks for your support  I think "we are almost there". The flickering works in the brake light but I think it only needs a "faderate", because now it changes the dim very fast. IDK if this helps but I found a code from somewhere with fadein fadeout (it might be useless but trying to "help"): int brightness = random(256);
// Fade in for (int fadeValue = 0; fadeValue <= brightness; fadeValue += 5) { analogWrite(ledPin, fadeValue); delay(10); }
// Fade out for (int fadeValue = brightness; fadeValue >= 0; fadeValue -= 5) { analogWrite(ledPin, fadeValue); delay(10); } Rongyos
« on: May 25, 2023, 08:59:32 AM »
Hi Everybody!
Can you recommend a cheap RFI/EMI filter for my homebuilt sound card? In lower volumes I hear annoying buzz or high pitch noise and if I put my tx closer to the device a buzz going crazy. Maybe I need shielded cable for the speaker? Can I make it better with shielded cable?
Thanks Rongyos
« on: May 24, 2023, 02:14:34 PM »
The brake light is connected to an analog output which is how we are able to dim it for "running lights." If you set the "Brake Lights on When Stopped" option you will see that it uses a flickering effect similar to the candle effect you found. But when we are flickering the "running lights" I can't be sure what dim level the user specified, and to flicker a dim light it might not be very visible, so in that case I am flickering it only between off and the dim level.
[...] In the meantime, maybe you could attach a white led to the Brake lights, and select the "Brake Lights on When Stopped" option, and then at least let me know if that effect even looks very good?
Hi Luke, I attach a video how it looks. The brake light is on during enginestart sequence and no flickering on it (in the video it looks like it has but its just visual illusion, the blinking headlight effects the camera lens (beleive me pls  ) Is the Headlight pin is PWM compatible digital pin? (analogWrite = random(150)+170) How complicated will be to add this effect to AUX outputs if the brake light flickering will successful? It would be very good. Thanks Rongyos
« on: May 22, 2023, 04:14:46 PM »
Let me know how it goes.
Hi Luke, I thank you that you are dealing with it  Now the functions are working fine but a flickering does the led switch on and off randomly. Maybe thats why I wrote you a whole bunch of stupidity in the code. What about if you can change this? (stolen from candle effect arduino code): // Generate a random dimming value (0-255) int dimValue = [i]random(170) + 170[/i] [i]delay(random(150))[/i]; thanks Rongyos (the guineaPIG)
« on: May 22, 2023, 08:19:17 AM »
I don't actually have a TCB to do any tests with, so I can't say exactly how good it will look. I'd appreciate if you could test it both to make sure it works as intended and also to let me know what you think of the flickering.
Hi Luke, First of all, thank you for your quick reply and support. I downloaded the new firmware and OP Config, managed to set up the build. I faced some bug / error: - Light toggle on/off function not working properly on headlights (see video) - its working well with toggle on + toggle off functions binded on 2 pos switch
- Start engine flickering not working with toggle on/off function at all
- Start engine flickering has some errors:
- a. only works with 2 pos function
- b. no lights at all during the start engine sequence
- c. random light sound played during the start engine sequence
maybe there are more dependencies than I thought  I attached a video for better understanding. The build is up and I am happy to test the upgrades  Rongyos
« on: May 19, 2023, 02:22:39 AM »
Hi Luke, First of all, please don't laugh at me because my programming skills are very basic I have a Beier board and I very like the headlight flickering effect on it but it has some flaws. I generated a basic flickering function which can be (I think) put in LIGHTS.ino // Duration of the flickering effect in milliseconds const unsigned long flickerDuration = 5000; //no idea where to put this - that should be cool if the user can set this in the OPCONFIG
void EstartFlickering { // Check if the flicker duration has elapsed if (millis() >= flickerDuration) { // Turn off the LED and exit the loop digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); return; }
// Generate a random dimming value (0-255) int dimValue = random(256); ; }
This function can be put in DRIVING.ino where engine starts (at there there is also a // Play the engine start sound TankSound->StartEngine(); there. The duration time should be set by user (easiest way). The beier reads the sound wave signals and flicker the LEDs following the wave spikes which is not realistic when the tank engine finally on and has a revving sound in the "enginestart" sound. In that phase the alternator can put voltage IRL and the headlights are even, but beier lower the dim according to the sound volume, thats what I dont like. The duration should be the time while the tank starting up, ignition or how can I say that in English, hope its understandable  . Can you somehow put this function in the codes? (I think mine wont work if i put it with force  )
« on: December 12, 2022, 11:02:25 AM »
Hi Luke!
I made a soundset for KV-1 (only engine). How can I share with the community?
regards Rongyos