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Messages - bayou

Pages: 1 [2]
Show and Tell / Re: small power module
« on: February 11, 2019, 02:29:48 PM »
you can use it for a FPV system. in first line i've tought to such things.
I've them also in WPL-trucks with a various number of LED's. the resistor don't have to be changed.

Show and Tell / small power module
« on: February 08, 2019, 04:48:10 PM »
Hi together.

here i'll introduce two power module which i've found on ALI.
the first one is adjustable and has also fixed voltage output.

the second one.
also very small. "only" adjustable.

they are tested in some WPL trucks for the lights. there's no need from resistors


Open Panzer Help / Re: 24v Battery, Futaba Sbus receiver
« on: February 08, 2019, 04:32:17 PM »
Hi Larry.

Does it work now?


Open Panzer Help / Re: Gyro Turret lock function
« on: February 06, 2019, 10:16:04 AM »
Hi Luke.

Many thanks for your support. this was the hint which i've needed.
checked the software for the TCB and it "looks" good.
the order is placed. date for delivery: 20th march


Open Panzer Help / Re: Gyro Turret lock function
« on: February 05, 2019, 04:03:15 PM »
Hi John.

many thanks for your feedback. and no problem. there's no hurry. i am still looking around at ALI for a gyro and i think i have found one which can work.
when i am right can you use one from the I/O port as a switch. this should make it possible to turn on/off/toggle the state from the gryo.
after CNY we'll see more.


Open Panzer Help / Re: Gyro Turret lock function
« on: February 05, 2019, 02:32:05 AM »
I happened to come across this:

Ordered one from HobbyKing and it will probably work fine if you would use a servo for turret rotation.

But i was wondering if it would be possible to use the internal drive units on the TCB maybe general I/O in-out?
Seems the Gecko would be a good alternative, but as the TCB has the drives already integrated...

hi together.

this is the most interesting solution i've seen in the last time.
i am thinking about to use a 3-axis-gyro and connect them with RC OUT 3 and 4.
- barrel elevation with a small dig. servo
- turret rotation with an ESC and like shown in the video.


Open Panzer Help / Re: 24v Battery, Futaba Sbus receiver
« on: February 05, 2019, 02:20:01 AM »
Hello Larry

i have already built in what you are asking for.
radio: Futaba T10J
receiver: R3008SB and also a Cooltech RSF08SB
connected via SBUS to the TCB.

soon i'll test it with some other Futaba RC's and cooltech or corona receivers

no problems. works great great. configuration like shown in the wiki

regards Ulrich

Hi Ulrich

Glad your setup works.
May I ask the configuration of your setup.

1. Is there a switch or setting in T10J which can force the radio using Sbus. Or is it done automatically?
2. Which mode of 3008 you set to? Is it mode 2?
3. Did you purchase the Tcb most recently? Mine is HobbyKing’s 2019 Jan stock.

Many thanks.


Hi Larry.

sorry for the late feedback.
1. no -  but you have two connectors for SBUS. normal SBUS and SBUS2. which one have you used?
(at the moment i am using the cooltech rec and this one uses "only" S-FHSS - the Futaba 3008 T-FHSS. it is too expensive for a tank and i need it for copters and plains ;-))
2. yes it is an orignal Mode 2
3. no, it is older. it is from early 2018 (got 2 more - ordered in Nov and Dec '18 but not tested at all)

Open Panzer Help / Re: 24v Battery, Futaba Sbus receiver
« on: January 31, 2019, 04:50:58 AM »
Hello Larry

i have already built in what you are asking for.
radio: Futaba T10J
receiver: R3008SB and also a Cooltech RSF08SB
connected via SBUS to the TCB.

soon i'll test it with some other Futaba RC's and cooltech or corona receivers

no problems. works great great. configuration like shown in the wiki

regards Ulrich

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