Hello Larry
i have already built in what you are asking for.
radio: Futaba T10J
receiver: R3008SB and also a Cooltech RSF08SB
connected via SBUS to the TCB.
soon i'll test it with some other Futaba RC's and cooltech or corona receivers
no problems. works great great. configuration like shown in the wiki
regards Ulrich
Hi Ulrich
Glad your setup works.
May I ask the configuration of your setup.
1. Is there a switch or setting in T10J which can force the radio using Sbus. Or is it done automatically?
2. Which mode of 3008 you set to? Is it mode 2?
3. Did you purchase the Tcb most recently? Mine is HobbyKing’s 2019 Jan stock.
Many thanks.
Hi Larry.
sorry for the late feedback.
1. no - but you have two connectors for SBUS. normal SBUS and SBUS2. which one have you used?
(at the moment i am using the cooltech rec and this one uses "only" S-FHSS - the Futaba 3008 T-FHSS. it is too expensive for a tank and i need it for copters and plains ;-))
2. yes it is an orignal Mode 2
3. no, it is older. it is from early 2018 (got 2 more - ordered in Nov and Dec '18 but not tested at all)