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Messages - jhamm

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 10
Open Panzer Help / Re: Best Sound Board for TCB
« on: January 13, 2025, 11:14:55 AM »
Benedini - but it is out of production.
There are Clones at ebay availaible.....

Open Panzer Help / Re: Flysky palladin
« on: December 05, 2024, 07:48:32 AM »
Which receiver did you use?
And have you configured it to SBus or iBus?

News & Announcements / Re: It's all over?
« on: August 13, 2024, 07:28:47 AM »
Yes, but just think, you also get three ferrite cores!  ;)

What do I need ferrite cores for?
I've never needed them together with a TCB...

News & Announcements / Re: It's all over?
« on: August 11, 2024, 11:54:34 PM »
Hello Luke,
I am still using TCB....
Mostly homemade ones for space reasons.
However, in tanks with enough space I use Beier SFR-1-D.

The board from Torro is expensive - really expensive => 169,-€ this is three times the price of HobbyKing
The scope of delivery only includes a usb other cables!

News & Announcements / OPEN PANZER Tank Control Board from TORRO
« on: August 11, 2024, 10:19:11 AM »
OPEN PANZER Tank Control Board from TORRO
OPEN PANZER Tank Control Board is a state-of-the-art control board specifically designed for use in remote-controlled tank models.
This board offers a wide range of features to enable realistic movements and sound effects.
The Open Panzer Board is the ultimate solution if you're seeking maximum control and adaptability for your models.

With advanced features such as proportional speed control, realistic firing and engine sounds, and various lighting options, it elevates the driving experience to a new level.

Made in Bavaria
Manufactured in Germany. Produced by a premium manufacturer in Bavaria, this board guarantees the highest standards of quality and reliability.

Developed by an American Engineer
Innovative Design. Designed by an experienced American engineer, the board combines technical excellence with practical features to meet the high demands of your RC tank.

High Flexibility and Adaptability
Open Source Software. With the open-source firmware, users can program and customize the board according to their individual needs.
Diverse Configuration Options. Supports a wide range of functions and peripherals, including turret rotation, gun elevation and depression, as well as smoke and light effects.

Easy Operation and Programming
OP Config Software. The user-friendly OP Config software allows for easy and intuitive board configuration, even for beginners.
Micro USB Connection. Enables a straightforward connection to the PC for quick updates and adjustments.

Superior Performance and Reliability
High-Quality Components. Robust and durable components ensure reliable performance even under demanding conditions. Powerful Electronics. Supports supply voltages from 7-15V DC and offers a maximum current of 8A, ensuring high performance.

Safety Features and Protection Mechanisms
EMC Decoupling. All connected cables are to be decoupled with ferrite cores to minimize electromagnetic interference and ensure stable performance.
Heat Shrink Tubing. A heat shrink tubing protects the entire board, enhancing safety during operation.

Compatibility and Expandability
Wide Accessory Support. Compatible with a variety of accessories and components that extend the board’s functionality, including sound modules from Taigen and other manufacturers.
Future-Proof. Thanks to the open-source architecture, the board can be continuously improved and enhanced with new features.

Additional Unique Benefits
Community Support. The open-source nature of the project has fostered a strong and active community that continuously develops and shares new features and improvements.
Modular Architecture. The board is designed to be easily expanded and modified to meet specific user requirements and preferences.
Advanced Diagnostic Features. Built-in diagnostic and error detection features help quickly identify and resolve issues, making maintenance and operation easier.
Comprehensive Documentation. Extensive documentation and tutorials make it easy to get started and provide detailed guidance for advanced customizations and programming.


Details/Scope of Delivery:

    1x OPEN PANZER Tank Control Board
    1x Würth 74271222 Ferrite (Item No.: OP-01010)
    2x Torro Ferrite (Item No.: OP-01008)
    1x Heat Shrink Tubing (Item. No.: OP-01009)
    1x Data cable USB A to USB C Micro (Item No.: OP-01013)


All other required components are not included. Please refer to the OPEN PANZER Forum for further information.

Show and Tell / Re: WH.TKSZ-16S
« on: February 07, 2024, 12:27:18 PM »
Ich sehe Dieses Forum Als OFFEN an

Selten solch einen blödsinn gelsen.....

Du hast im faslchen Bereich gepostet, hier geht es um Modelle mit Open Panzer TCB - jetzt verstanden?

Show and Tell / Re: WH.TKSZ-16S
« on: February 07, 2024, 05:31:27 AM »
ich verstehe nicht was der Link zu dieser dubiosen Elektronik hier im Forum soll...
Hier geht es um darum Modelle+Projekte mit dem Open Panzer Tank Control Board zu zeigen.

190,-€ sind gewagt und sicherlich zu viel Geld für ein Experiment.
Nehm etwas bewährtes wie Beier oder Elmod.
Das gesparte Geld geht immer zu Lasten anderer, die Dir dann helfen sollen das Ding zum Laufen zu bringen.
Ein Hobby muss man sich leisten können - das macht man nicht um Geld zu sparen!

News & Announcements / Re: It's all over?
« on: February 06, 2023, 12:21:08 AM »
God Day to you Luke,
i am fine and the Life in germany goes expensive...

Yes, your´e right, the chip shortage and high prices reduce the number of users.
Every open panzer board that is offered somewhere is always sold very quickly - but that doesn't mean there are more of them.
It is all very well documented, but there are no new boards to buy...

News & Announcements / Re: It's all over?
« on: February 02, 2023, 07:56:03 AM »
Nothing has been written here for many days ...
Is there no longer a TCB user?

Open Panzer Help / Re: led problem,
« on: May 31, 2022, 03:13:29 PM »
It is known that the FrSky XJT and the X8R have a near field problem.
You can have the receiver flashed with the new UNI firmware at Engel Modellbau, then the near field problem is solved.

Open Panzer Help / Re: Obsolete part
« on: May 17, 2022, 01:47:22 PM »
Hi Steve,
search for an electrolytic capacitor with the same data.
There are enough manufacturers who have something suitable on offer.
It doesn't have to be Panasonic.

Open Source Sound Dev / Re: Openpanzer and Beier?
« on: March 17, 2022, 04:07:23 PM »
The basic fuction will work.

Open Panzer Help / Re: Binden Th9X
« on: January 27, 2022, 02:44:41 AM »
das funktioniert nicht!
Du kannst keinen FrSky Empfänger XSR mit ACCST Sendeprotokoll und einem Sendemodul mit AFHDS 2A Sendeprotokoll binden.
Wenn die TH9X noch das originale Betriebssystem hat, dann kannst Du maximal 9 Kanäle steuern, dann nützt Dir SBus mit 16 Kanälen nicht.
Die TH9X muss erst mit OpenTX versehen werden, dieses kann mit der TH9X dann 16-Kanäle steuern.
Dazu sind jedoch elektr. Umbauten erforderlich, unter anderem muss eine Schnittstelle zum flashen geschaffen werden.
Dann ein FRSky XJT-Sendemodul beschaffen und damit kannst Du SBus mit dem XSR nutzen.
Wende Dich bitte an das Mitglied Rad_Schuhart, er hat seine TH9X entsprechend umgenaut.;u=89

Show and Tell / Re: Hooben Cromwell 1/16
« on: August 06, 2021, 04:40:59 AM »
Hey Luke,
i did a little series..

Show and Tell / Hooben Cromwell 1/16
« on: August 03, 2021, 12:26:07 PM »
Here another Modell... the Hooben Cromwell.
Electronic is a DIY TCB Mega2560 ProMini with Bendini Mini.

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