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Topics - Dean Rauch

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Show and Tell / 3D Printed T-35
« on: October 29, 2017, 07:46:30 AM »
Hello everyone, here I will post what I have going for my first tank build as well as my adventures with the TCB.

I will start by showing off my possibly unique TCB.

I ordered my TCB from HobbyKing on October 8th, 2017 as I figured de soldering some MOSFETs was not beyond me.
I received it some time later and have been playing around with the components I do have, the Saber tooth driver, my HL motors and a bunch of servos, all work well.
After reading the recent project status post warning of HobbyKings continued defects, I had a look at my board.

It seems I do not have the dreaded "23EG" chips, but instead have "GFDMR" with no obvious signs of hand soldering.
So far, when the board is powered without the transmitter, I get flashing of LEDs on the L1,L2,BRK & MG ports.

Im still new to this hardware, but I think we should not entirely give up on HK just yet!
I will include a close up picture of my board for you folks to have a look at.

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