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Topics - SquidgyB

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Open Panzer Help / Airsoft ESC control
« on: May 22, 2018, 02:32:22 PM »
Hi all.

I'm currently building a Tiger with an airsoft mechbox (MP7/Well R4 type) which I strongly suspect requires more ampage for the motor than the TCB can supply over the built in motor control connectors or the recoil conenctors on the board.

I have a small ESC which can fire up the motor, so I'm wondering if I can re-route the cannon control over to one of the free outputs (I'm currently not using sound or a smoker), but I will still need to feed back the switch from the airsoft mechanism for single fire mode.

I would also like to manage the throttle for the motor, as the full rate of fire from the mechbox overwhelms the gravity fed loading system - having tested with the mechbox conencted via the ESC and controlled directly from a receiver, I can slow down the motor using the ESC to the point that BBs have time to fall into the breach before the nozzle moves back to fire.

So, can I manage the airsoft cannon using a ESC from the TCB, and can I limit the maximum throttle range for this output to slow down the mechbox firing rate?

e; as a quick thought, maybe I can change the positive recoil/airsoft output to PPM to control the ESC?

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