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TCB Dev / Re: Testing TCB Firmware with Stock Arduino Mega
« on: May 24, 2021, 05:47:34 PM »
Hi Folks.
I have been reading this thread and others relaing to a mega 2560 and think i have finally plucked up courage to have a go at a diy TCB, the information provided here with the schematic diagrams have convinced to have a go.
I am a total novice at anything like this so THANK YOU ALL FOR SHARING THE INFO.
To be honest most of technical stuff went way above my head.
Before i start i have a couple of questions if i may.

1) When using LEDS for lights off the various pins, is the pin output 5v so i would need a resistor  for correct led voltage ? I noted that on the Russian chaps schematic he used resistors on the green and red presumably board indicator leds  but not on the lighting leds, or was this just an oversight on the lighting leds ?
2) I use direction indicators on my tanks when using a TCB from the 2 IO ports on the TCB does anyone know which pin outputs these will be on the Mega board please ?.
I like to try and find all the info out before starting so as i am not bugging anyone later on with constant doubt there will be more.
Thanks in advance.

Open Panzer Help / Arduino mega
« on: May 01, 2021, 02:29:54 PM »
As the TCB is no longer available or likely to be.
I have been reading about the DIY version of the TCB using an Arduino Mega.
I have been looking about the Arduino mega but am confused as i find the Mega 2560 Arduino compatable, or another version of the Arduino Mega and also the genuine Arduino Mega, which one is required, or are all capable of installing the software to make a DIY TCB.
Obviously there is a big price difference in all of the above ranging from £10 to £45, any info would be welcome.

Open Panzer Help / Re: Mixing of radio channels on Tx
« on: April 13, 2021, 04:05:53 PM »
Thx for the vid, i was already aware of the stick calibration thx, mine are not that far out of alignment yet to justify altering every models settings for a minor variance, the monitor on my screen looks ok at present.

I have finally sorted everything out, i have full forward and reverse that corresponds to the correct TCB commands and correct left / right equal neutral turns.
It was down to the radio set up on the OPC, with my radio when the steering channel in my case Aerilon is set to normal it actually reverses the neutral turn functions ie green flashing instead of Red and red instead of green, so i reversed the steering channel so the neutral turn direction corresponded correctly on the TCB, ( my radio sticks were always left for left and right for right) then i set up each speed controller to that setting and solded the wires back to the motors to give correct rotation according to the TCB neutral turn settings and it was perfect then.

It was you luke that gave me the correct led colour flash for left / right neutral turn that made me spot it straight away.
I have since read the Wiki over again and found the picture of the LED lights and it shows you on that, but i did not find it written anywhere else on the wiki when reading the neutral turn set up or radio set up, ( i will stand corrected if i have missed that too ) If its not maybe you could just pop it in somewhere on the written set up steps, just a thought...

I would like to thank you both for your time and patience on this issue, i was sure it was the set up and not any fault of the TCB as i have done quite a few and not encountered this before.
Happy tankin.

Open Panzer Help / Re: Mixing of radio channels on Tx
« on: April 13, 2021, 11:56:15 AM »
I have gone into the OP radio and reversed the steering channel now it shows RED flash for LEFT neutral turn and GREEN  flash for RIGHT  neutral turn.
I will re cal the speedos to the RX off the TCB and remove the wires from the motors and re attach them to correspond with left / right turn movements on the TCB.

Do you think that should fix the problem.


Open Panzer Help / Re: Mixing of radio channels on Tx
« on: April 13, 2021, 11:44:54 AM »
Hi luke.
Powered up the TCB.
Snoop shows motor forward green LED lights solid, reverse red LED lights solid shown on snoop forward and reverse, snoop shows neutral turn engaged both ways and LEDS  flash in TCB, when neutral turn is initiated
HOWEVER When i commence a LEFT neutral turn the GREEN  LED flashes, when i commence a right neutral turn the RED flashes 
Which is reversed from your post above
 ( green led flash for right and red led flash for left )
The neutral turn on the TCB appear to be reversed.
Have we found the issue ??
 I will attach some screen shots of the snoop screen if i can

Open Panzer Help / Re: Mixing of radio channels on Tx
« on: April 13, 2021, 11:36:06 AM »
Hi luke.
Powered up the TCB.
Snoop shows motor forward green LED lights solid, reverse red LED lights solid shown on snoop forward and reverse, snoop shows neutral turn engaged both ways and LEDS  flash in TCB, when neutral turn is initiated
HOWEVER When i commence a LEFT neutral turn the GREEN  LED flashes, when i commence a right neutral turn the RED flashes 
Which is reversed from your post above
 ( green led flash for right and red led flash for left )
The neutral turn on the TCB appear to be reversed.
Have we found the issue ??
 I will attach some screen shots of the snoop screen if i can

Open Panzer Help / Re: Mixing of radio channels on Tx
« on: April 13, 2021, 03:27:04 AM »
Thx for all your time and great info chaps all good valid points that i will try, one thing that stuck out reading the advice was that i did calibrate the ESC's connected to the TCB and i do have forwward and reverse speed difference set to 100% forward 50% reverse.
I will check the TCB lights and snoop ASAP,  from memory i think they were all fine last time i connected the TCB and all radio settings were at center, but i will re do them again and everything as per your advice.

Open Panzer Help / Re: Mixing of radio channels on Tx
« on: April 12, 2021, 07:52:33 PM »
Well i had my lay down, head ache has now gone so back to it, i still cannot get the neutral turn to function correctly, it will work one way but not the other, i also noticed that when going in reverse it slightly turns to one side, but going forwards its as straight as an arrow, i will try the Esc's direct off the Rx by passing the TCB to see if they work fine, if so it must be down possibly to some wiring conflict with motor rotation / set up.
With neutral turn disabled the tank turns on a sixpence each way with the inner turn track stationary both at speed and very slow, its most frustrating.
All the radio settings on the OPZ appear fine and calibrated.
I will look inside one of my other tanks with a TCB with same make of Esc's to see if i can see any glaring motor wiring differences.
This one is proving to be a right pain to set up, all the others have been a doddle to do (6)..most likely operator error (me) lol.

Open Panzer Help / Re: Mixing of radio channels on Tx
« on: April 12, 2021, 03:18:34 PM »
Hi Luke,
I have managed to resurect it, :) I had not changed anything on the TX, TCB or anything at all, It just threw a complete wobbler when i plugged it into the Computer and onto the OP without the radio switched on.
I pressed the reset button and down loaded an OPZ file I had saved and wrote it back to the TCB, it then started to work but all my radio settings were off so I then had to do a full radio re cal and its now back but it had reversed some of my settings ??.
don't know if it overloaded something and has had time to reset ?

So I have no idea but at least its now running again sort off, I need a lay down.

Open Panzer Help / Re: Mixing of radio channels on Tx
« on: April 12, 2021, 02:50:56 PM »
Hi Luk,
its a Spektrum DX6i with an orange receiver running through the top set of plugs on the TCB, i cannot get any radio connection at all it just wont see the radio at all

Open Panzer Help / Re: Mixing of radio channels on Tx
« on: April 12, 2021, 02:31:38 PM »
Hi Luke,
They were Mtroniks 15 amp Vipers been ok before.

I have just done a stupid thing whilst connecting my TCB to the computer i forgot to switch on my TX now it says cannot read radio, the TCB can upload to the OPZ and i can alter things on it and it will accept the commands but will not read the radio its just flashing all the lights for radio signal failure, i have removed and checked the RX its fine, sorry to be a pain but i had just got everything sorted.
now need some serious help. :'(


Open Panzer Help / Re: Mixing of radio channels on Tx
« on: April 12, 2021, 11:47:21 AM »
I might now have more chance of syncing the turret to the turns now...time will tell.

Open Panzer Help / Re: Mixing of radio channels on Tx
« on: April 12, 2021, 11:43:22 AM »
Thank you for your reply, i did all the usual calibrations inc the Esc's and all were fine, however this morning i removed both Esc's plus drive motors and set them up again individually with the correct forward and reverse programming on the Tx ( green light for forward and Red for reverse ) made sure the wires to the motors had correct motor orientation ie speedo forward = track forward etc when both set individually they were ok, however when i went to use them in pairs one Esc lagged behind the other on start quite considerably, i re programmed the Esc just as i did the other several times but it just would not wake up at the same time as the other, so i tried each controller into the other port on the TCB to make sure that it was not the TCB which i did not think it was and Hey Presto the same Esc lagged behind again.
The Esc's are the same make, same type and same Amperage so should have worked in sync when the TCB applied power but no.
It took a fair bit of time to find this problem as when each speedo is tested and set up on its own it works fine without any issue its only when you try and match it to its counterpart.
I removed both speedos and fitted another " pair " same make type etc and tested again, both this time very virtually exactly in sync, plus the low speed movement now is awesome, very slow turns and movement is achievable which previously was not.
All this was tested with Neutral turn disabled, but the turns left / right with the inner track stopped were the best they have ever been and virtually neutral in diameter, i will re enable neutral turn on the OPZ when i get time but i think this issue may now be solved, all down to an ESC not working within tolerance of an exact counterpart.
Hope this helps someone that may encounter a similar issue, don't assume two exact speedos work exactly the same and initiate movement of the motor at the same time.
Regards to all

Open Panzer Help / Re: Mixing of radio channels on Tx
« on: April 11, 2021, 02:50:23 PM »
I have left the inertia at the default settings, i have now uncovered a new issue, when doing a neutral turn going right all is fine both motors move in different directions and at the same speed, however when doing a neutral turn left the inner motor goes into reverse but the outer moror hardly moves until it gets right to the end of the tx travel then only just moves the motor.
I have reset everything on the OP tried a new speed controller and even a new drive motor but to no effect, its weird if the side is going backwards for the turn its fine but when its needed to go forward only in a neutral turn it slows down, normal forward and reverse and moving turns are fine, have i just missed something on setting up ??

Open Panzer Help / Re: Mixing of radio channels on Tx
« on: April 10, 2021, 04:04:37 PM »
Hi, Luke.
I managed to apply the settings on the TX and the activation switch , It did work, the only issue is as we thought trying to sync the turret speed as it always moved much earlier than the motors did. I tried altering the percentages of the settings but could not get over the lag of the drive motors, i will keep trying over time to see what can be done. :(

On a positive note i managed to apply a dual rate to the 2 position flap/ Gyro switch that i use for cannon fire and recoil, this now turns that switch into a 3 position switch so i can have cannon fire on the flap switch and independent mg fire on the same switch when the dual rate  is applied, so some progress in the end. ;D

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