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Topics - johnnyvd

Pages: 1 [2]
Open Panzer Help / Halftrack settings for vintage Tamiya tanks
« on: October 03, 2017, 08:43:22 AM »
Just wondering, i now own 3 vintage Tamiya tanks with a single drive motor and a steering SERVO.

The DKLM option is talking about two motors, so this wil probably not work for me.. But how about the halftrack option?

Offcourse the tanks do not have front steering wheels (duh..) but a transmission that knows three positions:
  • drive left track
  • drive both tracks
  • drive right track
So.. Would this work? For the people that are not born before the 80's i attached a picture of the internals of these machines..

Open Panzer Help / Dual recoil servo - Coelian & Maus
« on: September 24, 2017, 02:05:44 PM »
Hi Luke,

Would it be possible to have dual recoil servo's? Reason is i have a duo of Coelian's of which one has a free rotating servo and *nothing yet* on the other.

it would be great to OR drive separate servo's OR have two sound files playing (firing with shell dropping) where the sound file will not start if the "fire" button is released but the started file will continue playing ending with the shell dropping.
Also synchronising the two muzzle flash leds would be nice..

And there is the second scenario: E75/100 and/or Maus with dual cannon: both firing in sequence with one button OR a seperat trigger with seperate gun sound files.

Cheers, John

Open Panzer Help / Piranha Battle System supported?
« on: August 17, 2017, 01:31:54 PM »

Open Panzer Help / Track/Chassis Recoil Request
« on: August 08, 2017, 03:29:15 PM »
It seems a stupid request as a lot of people have tried their best in eliminating this from the Taigen/Henglong RX18.

But i have a StuiG 33b (Sturm-Infanteriegeschütz 33B) in the works which has a big kickback with its 150mm gun and small chassis.

I eventually got a big fan of the way the "15cm sIG 33 auf Fahrgestell Panzerkampfwagen II" (named Sturmgeschütz II in-game) kicks back in the Warthunder game. Maybe not completely realistic, but it just looks cool.

Would it be possible to add a trigger and an adjustable profile like, not back and forward like the Henglon, but only backwards or long "stroke fast" backward and "short stroke" slowly forward?

Open Panzer Help / BOM list TCB quantities?
« on: June 28, 2017, 10:36:32 AM »

I just ordered the TCB, Sound and Scout PCB's at OSH Park.
Getting ready to build some control units!

But the strange thing is when i look at the TCB BOM list under the ICs section almost all quantities are set to zero?
Why is that? Can i trust the rest of the BOM? How many ATMEGA2560-16AU should i order ;)

Cheers, John

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