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Messages - Rad_Schuhart

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Open Source Sound Dev / Re: Wiring an amp to the OP soundcard.
« on: October 09, 2019, 02:14:29 AM »
This is probably why Benedini posts all kinds of cautions and warnings when using external amplifiers with his device.

True. I always wondered why all the warnings... Now we know. Live an learn...

Do you know if there is a part of the teensy board that can be replaced? Maybe the teensy amp (if it exist) or something?

I am not the most skilled soldering guy, but I can try replacing some SMD components. Not a lot to lose because the board is already dead... After a visual inspection nothing seemed to be dead, but hey...

Anyway I will test the board again today. Maybe it was overheated or something, and it might work later on.

Yep, I know I am a dreamer.

EDIT: Quick question, a Teensy 3.1 will work, or the 3.2 is a must?
EDIT 2.0: The board is dead. I tried to connect it to the computer and not even that works. Sigh...

Open Source Sound Dev / Re: Wiring an amp to the OP soundcard.
« on: October 08, 2019, 02:42:36 PM »
Ok, I could not wait until the weekend, so I tried it and I have some horrible news here.

I wired the AMP following your instructions. My soundcard was indeed the Version 1.0 with the line out outputs. I soldered two pins there.
Then I checked the conection one zillion times:
+5, connected it to +5 in the IC2
gnd to gnd
IN+ and IN- to the OP soundcard.
And then OUT+ and OUT- to the speaker.
Before switching it on, I zillion checked it several times.

Then I switched it on, and I had a horrible noise comming from the speaker. Like a fast and loud pulse, but nothing else.

I switched it off and I checked several times I connected everything well. Switched it on again, and same problem.

I tried with a fresh battery, same problem.

Then I decided to, instead of using the +5v and -5v from the I2c, to try an external source of power. I used my voltage regulator, adjusted to 4.8v and then connected it in the +5 and gnd.

I switched the tank on, and hell, it worked. Volume was horrible loud and I could not adjust it. I switched it off and on again, and same problem with the volume. I switched it a third time, and suddenly silence...

I thought I blew the tamiya speaker, so I tried with several speakers I had at home, and no one of them worked. I also tried the King Tiger speaker with other electronics and still worked...

I took the amp away, and connected the speaker to the soundcard, and if I literally put my ear over the speaker I can hear small whispers when triggering the functions... So I guess I blew somehow the soundcard to my horror and despair.

Is there any way I can repair it?

Or even better, is any manufacturer going to produce it in the near future?  :'(

TCB Dev / Re: Ideas for the OP Config
« on: October 08, 2019, 11:38:01 AM »
Ok, I could not wait to test the new 12pos switch.

I flashed the newest firmware, and then flashed my model settings in the TCB.

Then, in the radio menu, AUX 5/order9/digital switch/12

Then functiion menu: Select function/user sound 1 play once
                               Select trigger source/Aux 5
                               Select trigger action/  ---------- Here comes the problem, there is nothing I can select.

IF in the in the radio menu, instead of AUX 5/order9/digital switch/12   I put 6, I can select the 6 positions. So I guess I have found a bug...

I tested the aux 5 from 7 to 12, and when doing that, there is no way to select the trigger action.

TCB Dev / Re: Ideas for the OP Config
« on: October 08, 2019, 03:00:18 AM »
Thanks! I will try to test the 12 positions this weekend. It is indeed very usefull, and lets me use 12 user sounds in only one channel.

I will make a video showing how to trigger all the user sounds with the logical switches and the new 12 positions feature at some point in the future.

I think it brings a lot of new posibilities and also will make everything easier. Now is easier than before to give orders to the rest of the platoon! As I said many times I don't battle, but for those who do it, it can be super cool to be the platoon commander giving the instructions to the others. I do it with my children and is super fun. Everybody should try it!

Also as you point, day by day better and newer radios are popping out. Have you seen the new Jumper T16? Looks like an amazing piece of technology, and has 6 push buttons in the front, so they can be used for triggering those user sounds. If for some disaster my 9xtreme radio dies, that will be my replacement.


Regarding the turret rotation speed, well, to be honest my (freak obsesive) idea was even a bit more deep than I stated.
If I had the knowledge and the skills, what I would do is a proportional turret sound, so the more further you move the stick, the faster the turret sound loops. It has some sense, in real life the faster you hand crank the turret, the faster it will turn. And yep, being able to limit the manual turret speed is also cool. For me, the more features and customization, the better!

But as you point, it might be too much work, and thanks anyway for your time and effort!
But if you implement the feature we all will be happier and I will love you even more, and my love is priceless, lol.

Open Source Sound Dev / Re: Wiring an amp to the OP soundcard.
« on: October 07, 2019, 02:36:32 PM »
Yep, I have the version 1.0

Cool, thanks! That is what I thought, except the 5v source. I was planning to use some sort of step down from the battery voltage, but now it has no sense if I can connect it to the I2c port.

I will try to do it this weekend, and if it works and I will update when it works.

I am sure this will make the speaker work much better.

Cant wait!

Open Source Sound Dev / Re: Wiring an amp to the OP soundcard.
« on: October 07, 2019, 11:23:49 AM »
Hi Luke,

I have received this today.

I am specialist in making smoke with the electronics, and I want to prevent that. I think I know what to do, but can you offer me some guidance?


Show and Tell / My Tiger II
« on: October 07, 2019, 08:06:37 AM »
Hi guys, I have finished my King Tiger! It suffered no less than 5 repaints, and I am still not 100% happy with it, but I just wanted to finish it once and for all, lol. Of course is using a TCB, and if you want to use the same sounds, I did them and Luke uploaded them somewhere on github, so feel free to download/use/modify/improve them!

You can read a bit more about it here:

And a short video. Sorry but you all know how hard is to film and to drive at the same time.

TCB Dev / Re: Ideas for the OP Config
« on: October 05, 2019, 10:49:35 AM »
Hi, this is not an idea but a (hopefully) very easy request.

In the open config I would like to be able to select a 12 pos switch too.

Yes, I know I will be the only soul in the earth using it, but it is very handy for me, for triggering the user sounds.

I programmed the radio in a way that having a 6 pos switch, with some software tweaking it feels and behaves like an 12 pos switch.

So with the rotating switch I select the desired user sound, and with some logic switches and  programming, when flicking another switch or pressing a push button I trigger it.

This is the same system I am using for triggering the user sounds in the Benedini´s Mini and Micro.

Another idea, (not request but an idea)
It would be nice to have two different "Max turret toration speed" one with the motor on, and another with the motor off. This has some sense, and means hand cranking the turret makes it turn slower than with the motor.

And that's it for now. :)

TCB Dev / Re: More ideas for those who battle.
« on: October 01, 2019, 04:28:32 AM »
Well, this is a debateable topic.

As you point, those who battle, for example the Danvile guys, seem to be more than happy with the standard Tamiya battle options... But that is because the vast majority of people are still using Tamiya electronics and plain 4ch futaba radios, and I think nothing will make them improve the tanks. It seems they think the other electronics are too complicated, or even worse "nothing is better than tamiya" ... sigh...

Also another thing that IMHO ruins the battles is how the people drive. King Tigers jackrabitting back and fowards is just... well... LOL. I think Id never would go there just because of that.

So the way I would play IR battles with the tanks is in an ultra realistic way, and that can be only achieved using the TCBs, Elmod fusions, or crazy radio programming. But a realistic driving would benefit of realistic ballistics!

So yeah, ammo count, piercing and explosive rounds, the aleatory damage you mentioned and so on... It can be the hell of a fun. If I remember well, with the MAKO and ASP boards you even have the aleatory posibility of one hit kill, so it adds more tension to the battle.

About seeing the ammo count in a phone app, as far as I remember you can order some sort of screen at rc tanks australia that keeps monitorizing the battle, and that includes how many rounds you have left, how many "lives or hits" left, which tank shooted at you, friend or foe and much more.

Anyway, as I said, I dont battle yet, and if I do it in the future I am sure it will be pretty much with my family, so no rush at all, and not even a request. Just some more ideas to make the TCB even better.

But yep, I understand the situation, and it would be great to have a seller of the boards first. Now the benedini mini is easilyy obtainable we have some of the path done.

TCB Dev / More ideas for those who battle.
« on: September 29, 2019, 01:40:56 PM »
Hi, while messing with the user sounds for the tanks I found one asking for more ammo, and that reminded me a function that I have in an old Rctanks australia board, and is the running out of ammo function.

I think it would be great to being able to set with the open panzer config the amount of the ammo the tank is cariying. In a tank I have I put exactly the same rounds the actual tank had.

For reloading it, there were three options.
1) Being destroyed. When resurrecting you appear with your ammo again.
2) Restarting the tank. Obvious reasons.
3) Repairing the tank with IR. That can be cool, either a repair tank or a service depot using the repair protocol.

Second idea, the cannon IR protocol, among others, you can select Tamiya or Tamiya 2 shot kill. I think it would be great to be able to select the one you really want to use while battling. It would be like selecting explosive rounds or armor piercing rounds. So yeah, why not to add some way to select the ammo in the heat of battle?

I dont know, I think it adds more realism to those who might want to do everything with the tannk

Anyway, if you want to add those functions, dont rush at all. At this moment I dont battle, (my children are still to young and no tank clubs in the entire country...) But I am planning to do it as soon as they grow a bit more. So the more functions, the better. :) Anyway those are just ideas, not asking for a request.

I also always wondered why in the Opconfig there is the option "accept hits from" and you only are able to select one protocol. Why is not possible to select "all"? Is not that I needed it, but I am just curious.

Open Source Sound Dev / Re: Wiring an amp to the OP soundcard.
« on: September 17, 2019, 02:37:34 PM »
Yep, I have the 1.0 version. I'll try to find another amp at aliexpress tomorrow with a bigger output. A 5w one will be probably enough, but a 10w won't hurt neither.

Anyway It will be good for the science and also for editing my blog's entry!

Open Source Sound Dev / Wiring an amp to the OP soundcard.
« on: September 17, 2019, 11:15:41 AM »
EDIT: I ended destroying my soundcard. I don't recommend to try it to anybody, not with the Open Panzer soundcard, and not with the Benedini Mini. If you, unlike me, know what you are doing and decide to try it, do it on your own risk. If it works, please post it so we can follow your steps. If it does not, please post it too for knowing what to not to do. Time to cry for me  :'(

Hi Luke, as I mentioned somewhere, when driving at the backyard and rising the volume, the speaker cracks quite a lot. I guess this is due to the lack of power, so I am planning to wire an amp to the soundcard.

I dont know how many W is your card able to pull, but do you think I can wire one of this to the board?,searchweb201602_4,searchweb201603_52

I am using them in benedini micros and they work like a charm.

Open Panzer Help / Re: New Smoker Functinality
« on: September 12, 2019, 08:01:45 AM »

I hope some find this useful. As always, let me know if you have any questions.

It is indeed useful. Thanks for keeping adding more and more things.

And now I know I have to find/make a sound that fits that preheat.wav, lol.

Open Panzer Help / Re: turn and forward problem
« on: June 24, 2019, 03:51:04 PM »
Hi Luke, I just got some videos from Juanillor. It is quite late here so I dont have time to investigate, I will take a look at it tomorrow, but meanwhile there you go, I uploaded them here:!Ag10Kxs8SgAKlWD7PHzTpYtDtpaT?e=lNTebH

Juanillor, he recibido los videos, le echo un ojo mañana, que hoy es muy tarde aquí. Futuros videos grábalos en horizontal, porfa. Y ah! Si puedes enfocar la pantalla de la radio, también vendría bien.

En un vistazo rápido me ha llamado la atención que has tenido que invertir el canal del gas. Me hace pensar que tengas los cables de los motores conectados de alguna manera extraña. Puedes tomar una foto de cómo están los motores conectados a los ESCs?

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