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Offline Shorty54

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Re: Shorty's E8
« Reply #15 on: March 26, 2018, 10:22:13 AM »
I sent Thomas an email, waiting for reply.  I read on the RCU forumn that the TBS gets very hot running a 4 ohm speaker and could damage the TBS.  I found no info on anyone saying it burned out though.  I dont know much about how speakers and amps work.  If I run an amp. would that take the stress off the TBS?  The AMP is powered by the battery and only a single wire goes to the top pin of the LS on the TBS.  I just dont want to ruin the TBS or the new Tamiya speaker. 



Offline Shorty54

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Re: Shorty's E8
« Reply #16 on: March 26, 2018, 10:26:05 AM »
Thomas just replied,

that's true!
Only 8 Ohm speakers can be connected to the TBS Mini directly.


Offline LukeZ

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Re: Shorty's E8
« Reply #17 on: March 26, 2018, 11:58:15 AM »
Good to know, thanks for posting. Presumably then the Tamiya speaker is 4 ohm.
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Offline Shorty54

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Re: Shorty's E8
« Reply #18 on: March 26, 2018, 12:05:38 PM »
I am trying to verify 100% that the stock Tamiya speaker is 4 0hm.
I just checked the ohms in the Tamiya speaker through the 2 wire plug in and it showed 4 ohms. 
I am not sure that is the proper way to measure a speaker.
Maybe someone else can verify 100%.



Offline LukeZ

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Re: Shorty's E8
« Reply #19 on: March 26, 2018, 12:12:34 PM »
That's the correct way. I just measured mine and got the same thing (sorry I was too lazy earlier)
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Re: Shorty's E8
« Reply #20 on: March 26, 2018, 12:16:22 PM »
Thanks Luke.  So if I add my amp, does that make it possible to run a 4 ohm speaker?  Does the amp take the TBS amp out of the equation so then the TBS amp is not being used?  I am very green at this :o



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Re: Shorty's E8
« Reply #21 on: March 26, 2018, 02:44:31 PM »
I think these questions are better put to Thomas but I believe yes, if you use an amp then you are sparing the TBS Mini so you should be able to use whatever speaker your amp can handle.
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Offline Shorty54

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Re: Shorty's E8
« Reply #22 on: April 01, 2018, 07:52:27 PM »
I made some progress with the electronics.  I have all the IR components working properly.  I am using the HK ESCs, instead of the Tamiya DMD.  I have the Tamiya IR Emitter, machine gun led, and TBU.  I am using the Taigen flash unit.  All is sending and receiving hits from my other Tamiya tanks.  I am just using one of the TBS downloaded tank sounds so no incoming hit sounds or destroyed tank sounds.  I will have to make my own sounds, unless someone would like to share theirs. I have messed around with a lot of the programming features in the OP config.  Mostly just to get a feel for what the changes actually do and to what extent.  I have a couple questions about programming. 

1.  Can the Tank be programmed to shut off sound when the TX is turned off?  Right now it continues to run.
When the Tamiya TX is shut off the tank shuts off too.  I have it programmed to start with the turret stick (LF).

2 Can the IR indicators lights on the TBU be shut off so not to blink every time the IR shot is ready to fire?
This is a nice feature, I just dont want it to be confused with a hit.  I know it only flashes short and quick,
compared to longer and more steady flash after a hit.

3.  Is the "learn" button not used on the TBS with the TCB?  On the BARC it was used to synchronize the sound to the movement of the tank.  Right now it seems the sound moves too quickly and does not seem to be in sync with the movement of the gearboxes.

I have not yet installed the 2nd RX and TX for an additional operator.  I want to get the basics down first and get some good sound files.  Then I will move on to the addition of another operator.

Overall I like the TCB! I have played with many of the settings in the OP config, mostly just to see the changes in the tank, from momentum to barrel recoil speed and return.   I have not tried the VS tank IR yet.  I have 3 VS IR 1/24 tanks.  I know they are not the same size, but I thought to hide them in buildings and use more stationary targets.  At least be able to use them in some way. 

I also, for some unknown reason, ordered another TCB and HK ESCs.  I guess that means another tank sometime in the future?? ???

Thank you!



Offline LukeZ

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Re: Shorty's E8
« Reply #23 on: April 02, 2018, 04:23:17 PM »
1.  Can the Tank be programmed to shut off sound when the TX is turned off?  Right now it continues to run. When the Tamiya TX is shut off the tank shuts off too.  I have it programmed to start with the turret stick (LF).
In fact this is the default behavior, which you can confirm by watching your TCB in Snoop mode when you turn off your transmitter, you will see that it also turns off the engine. If that doesn't happen for you there are two possibilities, 1) your receiver continues to send a failsafe signal to the TCB even when your transmitter is off, such that the TCB never knows your transmitter was turned off, or 2) your Benedini Mini isn't quite setup correctly (see #3 below). The first case should be easy to determine by using Snoop. I no longer have an iA10B receiver on hand to test, but my other FlySky receivers have no problems in this regard.

2 Can the IR indicators lights on the TBU be shut off so not to blink every time the IR shot is ready to fire? This is a nice feature, I just dont want it to be confused with a hit.  I know it only flashes short and quick,  compared to longer and more steady flash after a hit.
Ah, the old conundrum where one person requests a feature and the next person requests it be removed. I really don't see how it can be confused with a hit since a hit creates a whole long sequence of dimming and fading lights ala Tamiya, whereas the reload indicator is just a short blink. It would indeed be possible to make it optional, but I won't promise when or if that will get done.

3.  Is the "learn" button not used on the TBS with the TCB?  On the BARC it was used to synchronize the sound to the movement of the tank.  Right now it seems the sound moves too quickly and does not seem to be in sync with the movement of the gearboxes.
Correct, the TBS Mini learn button is not used - instead we have created a Prop Settings file that gets imported into Benedini's Flash program, and that tells the Mini all the setup information it needs. You may want to confirm that this has been loaded onto your Mini correctly and verify that Flash reads back all the values as shown on the Wiki page. You can also attach a regular servo to the Prop 1 output of the TCB to see a visual representation of the throttle signal being sent to the Mini. It should track your throttle stick movements unless you have accel/decel constraints applied, but even then those will serve to slow down the sound rather than make it faster as you describe.

I am just using one of the TBS downloaded tank sounds so no incoming hit sounds or destroyed tank sounds.  I will have to make my own sounds, unless someone would like to share theirs.
I've attached a couple that I took out from World of Tanks, they're not great but maybe will suffice.
(82.88 kB ~ Downloads: 448)
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Re: Shorty's E8
« Reply #24 on: April 02, 2018, 04:44:35 PM »
I will do more testing later tonight.  Dont worry about the LEDs IR shot indication.  I just thought if it was a quick tick of a setting I missed.  I am all for it, its a good feature!  The prop settings all match, I made sure of that during setup.   I am more concerned with the sound shut off mode when TX is turned off.  Ill try and load the destroyed sounds tonight.  I am not sure how to load them with the TBS downloaded engine sounds.  Ill do some more reading.  I have some older sounds from my BARCs too, Ill see if they can be loaded.  They were before the TBS updates though so not sure if they will still work. 

Thanks for all the help! 



Offline LukeZ

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Re: Shorty's E8
« Reply #25 on: April 02, 2018, 05:00:27 PM »
Ill try and load the destroyed sounds tonight.  I am not sure how to load them with the TBS downloaded engine sounds.  Ill do some more reading.  I have some older sounds from my BARCs too, Ill see if they can be loaded.  They were before the TBS updates though so not sure if they will still work.

You can easily remove/add individual sounds from existing Benedini soundsets within Flash so that is not a problem, what he did not make possible was extracting individual sounds from his pre-made sets for use elsewhere, but that is less of an issue since you can start with one of his sets and just change/add the sounds you want.

The TBS updates should have had no effect on the sound files part of things so you should still be able to use your old sounds as long as they are in the correct format.

Keep me posted on what you find out about the receiver.
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Re: Shorty's E8
« Reply #26 on: April 02, 2018, 10:45:28 PM »
No luck on the tank shut down when TX is turned off.  I checked in the TX and all channels are failsafe "off".
When I shut off the TX, the led flashes on the RX, but engine still sounds and I also found will continue to drive if I shut it off while driving.  The only way to stop or shut it off is too disconnect RX from TCB.  I checked prop settings again, and they are correct.  If I first turn the TCB on, then all lights flash indicating no radio signal until I turn the TX on. 

I tried checking during snoop and its not reading any radio loss.  It reads nothing when the TX is turned from on to off.
I also noticed the snoop does not read any turret stick movements.  Only trans forward, reverse, cannon fire, mg on/off, and damage from incoming hits.  No left stick movements at all.  I also noticed turret sounds eliminate cannon fire.  If I rotate turret or elevate, and fire cannon at the same time, the cannon makes no sound. 

Thats all for now.



Offline LukeZ

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Re: Shorty's E8
« Reply #27 on: April 03, 2018, 03:02:32 PM »
No luck on the tank shut down when TX is turned off.  I checked in the TX and all channels are failsafe "off".
When I shut off the TX, the led flashes on the RX, but engine still sounds and I also found will continue to drive if I shut it off while driving.  The only way to stop or shut it off is too disconnect RX from TCB.  I checked prop settings again, and they are correct.  If I first turn the TCB on, then all lights flash indicating no radio signal until I turn the TX on.  I tried checking during snoop and its not reading any radio loss.  It reads nothing when the TX is turned from on to off.
Ok, the issue here is your receiver, not the TCB or your Benedini Mini. When you turn off your transmitter, your receiver continues to send a valid signal to the TCB, so it has no idea your transmitter is off. I don't see much in the way of documentation about the iA10b receiver, except as part of this manual for the FlySky i10 transmitter. On page 33 it discusses their conception of failsafe, when failsafe is set to "Off" on the transmitter what that really means is that the receiver will continue to maintain the last position of all channels. This is actually not what we want and is a great way to wreck your model if you lose signal. The other alternative is to set specific failsafe positions for each channel to go to in the event of a loss of signal, so what you could do is set the failsafe position of whatever channel is assigned to turn off the engine to the "engine off" position (this is something you will do in your transmitter). That should work, although ideally what we'd really like is for the receiver to simply stop giving any signal at all so the TCB knows the connection is lost and it can automatically take action to stop everything.

I believe the iA10b receiver also has a PPM output, you might try running the TCB on that instead of iBus and see if it behaves any differently but I'm guessing not.

Otherwise you can get a different receiver, I know for a fact the FS-A8S recommended in the Wiki does not implement failsafe, which is actually what we want because that lets the TCB do it.

I also noticed the snoop does not read any turret stick movements.
This is correct, Snoop doesn't report on every last thing, if it had to print something to the screen every time the turret stick was touched the console would be unreadable. There are a wide variety of things it will report on, including the things you mentioned as well as various functions if you have them assigned, but it won't say anything about moving the turret stick. Your turret will however still work.

I also noticed turret sounds eliminate cannon fire. If I rotate turret or elevate, and fire cannon at the same time, the cannon makes no sound.
This is simply a limitation of how the Benedini works.
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Re: Shorty's E8
« Reply #28 on: April 03, 2018, 03:29:10 PM »
I had figured out the "off" settings.  I change the throttle to zero, actually all channels failsafe to no movement.  At least the tank will stop now.  I am still trying to figure out a way to shut off sound since I have the engine start up and shut down on the left stick lower left corner. 

I was also trying to get the destroyed sound to play a few seconds before it shuts the tank off.  Right now as soon as the final hit is taken, it shuts off the tank. 

Thanks for the help, its a little frustrating at times, but its still fun!



Offline LukeZ

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Re: Shorty's E8
« Reply #29 on: April 03, 2018, 03:33:48 PM »
I had figured out the "off" settings.  I change the throttle to zero, actually all channels failsafe to no movement.  At least the tank will stop now.  I am still trying to figure out a way to shut off sound since I have the engine start up and shut down on the left stick lower left corner.
In that case you would want to program failsafe in your transmitter as left stick lower-left corner. Of course, if you lost signal while your engine was off, this would result in turning it on...

I was also trying to get the destroyed sound to play a few seconds before it shuts the tank off.  Right now as soon as the final hit is taken, it shuts off the tank.
This is as designed, it matches the Tamiya behavior which is the standard for IR battle. It makes sense, if the tank is destroyed it shouldn't still be able to move or do anything else!
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