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Topics - Brian Tulk

Pages: [1]
Open Panzer Help / TCB setup and sound
« on: July 06, 2018, 08:16:44 AM »
hello all, i have finally gathered all the various parts required to finalise my TCB install. This includes sabretooth ,taigen[panzer3/4] sound,yeah racing lights,turnigy radio,receiver,double pad metal tracks,all metal turret gearbox,and a fairly steep learning curve for a novice.I have read a lot of other posts on the forum and they have been a help in this adventure, I really understand 'outofmydepth' challenges as i have felt similarly inadequite in trying to sort it all out.Ok so got this far thanks to everyones input,however the sound set up from taigen [thanks to Mark at ozarmour] is a little anemic being only for panzer 3/4 ,as its in a challenger 2, the main issue other than being unable to use all the switches/functions on the turnigy 9x is that the sound cuts out at a seemingly low volume when applying throttle. Did think i had read somewhere o the site about this? The settings on the TCB are at a low level but not sure if this affects the taigen or only other sound cards. Any help would be great.thanks and good luck to all, Brian from south aus.

Show and Tell / Hello all new to forum
« on: March 22, 2018, 04:36:11 AM »
Does anyone else have a heng long challenger 2 ,would like to see pics of how others have rendered there models, regards to all Brian .ps also any tips about setting up tcb cheers to all

Open Panzer Help / hello all new to forum
« on: March 11, 2018, 11:20:06 PM »
hello all, i have recently installed tcb+sabretooth into heng long challenger2,also got turnigy 9x 9ch from hk.I have fitted the unit went thru set up and all is ok ,no sound airsoft,or lights as yet,waiting to sort parts req. So far pretty happy with performance,so will see how it all comes out in the end. cheers to all regards Brian.

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